
CoAdapt (Optimal Transfemoral Amputee-Prosthesis Co-Adaptation) has been granted by HTRIC (Health Technology Research and Innovation Cluster), as a collaboration between the Robotics Lab and the University Medical Center Groningen (Dept. Human Movement Sciences - Section Rehabilitation).
Given the great challenge of providing people with lower limb amputation with an artificial limb that can mimic the behavior of its biological counterpart, the CoAdapt project aims at developing a human-in-the-loop approach in which the user and the (control settings and mechanical parameters of the) prosthesis co-adapt to each other in an optimization process.
People: Raffaella Carloni, Chengxiang Liu
Soft Robotics: This project aims to develop novel actuation systems, which are the key enabling components for motion generation of robots. More precisely, the focus is on: (i) the design and fabrication of actuation components for soft robots by using novel (soft) materials and design approaches; (ii) development of (analytical, numerical, predictive) models; (iii) develop of (non-linear) control techniques; (iv) experimental validation.
People: Raffaella Carloni, Jiahao Pan, Huayuan Huang, Xiao Yang
Previous PhD projects:

MyLeg (Smart and intuitive osseointegrated transfemoral prostheses embodying advanced dynamic behaviors) is an European Horizon 2020 ICT-25-2016-2017 (Research and Innovation action) project. The aim is to develop a smart and intuitive osseointegrated transfemoral prosthesis embodying advanced dynamic behaviours. The MyLeg prosthetic system will be directly anchored to the amputee’s bone by means of osseointegrated implant to enhance the human-prosthesis interaction, perception, and motion capabilities. Further, the system will include implantable myoelectric sensors on targeted reinnervated muscles to realize an intuitive EMG control and will provide a high-level of cognition abilities. Moreover, the system will implement variable stiffness actuators that guarantee high adaptability with respect to different tasks, dependability, and decisional autonomy. The MyLeg system will exploit light-weighted materials for sensing and energy harvesting. These capabilities will lead to a new generation of powered transfemoral prosthetic legs that can be intuitively operated, sensed, and trusted as the healthy and reliable counterpart for a variety of tasks.
Project website: htts://
People: Raffaella Carloni, Aniket Mazumder, Vishal Raveendranathan, Gregorio Tagliabue, Johnnidel Tabucol

Magnify (From nano to MAcro: a GrouNdbreakIng actuation technology For robotic sYstems) is an European Horizon 2020 FETOPEN-01-2016-2017 (Research and Innovation action) project. The aim is to design and realize a new generation of artificial muscles for robotic systems, characterized by high force-to-weight ratio, high flexibility, fast reacting properties, and intrinsic rigidity tuning. The project will use billions of artificial molecular machines, organized in polymer electrospun nanofibers and controlled by electrical stimuli, to realize an artificial macroscopic muscle.
Project website: htts://
People: Raffaella Carloni, Riccardo D’Anniballe
Last modified: | 05 March 2025 1.37 p.m. |