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Research Research School of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences Education PhD Training Programme B. Other Courses

8. BCN Functional Neuroscience: EEG Part

Target Group

Students ( (PhD) students, post-docs) planning to do EEG research. This course is given for Master students of the BCN C-track. BCN PhD students will be given the opportunity to participate as well


2 EC.


Besides treating theoretical backgrounds participants will become acquainted with EEG hard- and software. The last part of the course consists of an introduction into Brain Vision Analyzer, which will allow all students to analyze the data they recorded on the previous days.




Topics for this part of the course are:

  • EEG backgrounds, EEG recording and EEG analysis techniques
  • Clinical applications of EEG
  • Setting-up an ERP experiment
  • Executing an ERP experiment
  • Getting acquainted with the EEG-lab at the NiC and executing first recordings
  • Getting acquainted with Brain Vision Analyzer software (EEG analysis) and analysis of data recorded on previous days


Lectures, Assignments, Practical work
Attendance during the EEG-practicals and -lectures is mandatory. Consequence of not attending is exclusion of the written exam.


Besides discussing the theoretical background of the EEG technique and the requirements of an experimental design of an EEG study in interactive lectures, students will become acquainted with EEG hard- and software during different practicals. In these practicals students will learn how to apply electrodes, and how to record and analyze the EEG signal. The MATLAB packages EEGlab and ERPlab will be used to perform these analyses.
Prior to the start of the course, the students are required to prepare by familiarizing themselves with the experiment creation and presentation software OpenSesame.

Learning outcomes

Apply basic knowledge about the theoretical background of the EEG technique and experimental paradigms to design an EEG experiment. In addition, the student will be able to collect high-quality EEG data, and to analyze EEG data using EEGlab and ERPLAB. Perform a basic fMRI analysis, using practical and theoretical background knowledge about the technique.


Luck, S. J. (2014, 2nd edition). An introduction to the event-related potential technique. The MIT Press, Cambridge, England. (ISBN 9780262525855).


Monicque Lorist (m.m.lorist


GSMS registration system.

Last modified:20 August 2024 12.43 p.m.