EU-PolarNet is A European network to co-develop and advance European Polar Research actions and to give evidence-based advice to policymaking processes. NWO is the official Dutch partner and hires Annette Scheepstra to carry out the work. As a so-called stakeholder guardian she secures the input of stakeholders and a transdisciplinary approach throughout the project.
EU-PolarNet 2 started in 2020 to establish a sustainable and inclusive platform to co-develop and advance European Polar research actions and to give evidence-based advice to policymaking processes. This platform will allow to further develop the coordination of Polar research actions in Europe and with overseas partners. By involving all relevant stake- and rightholders it will support the development of transdisciplinary and transnational Polar research actions of high societal relevance. To ensure that such an important platform is sustained after the end of EU-PolarNet 2, the project will work towards creating a permanent European Polar Coordination Office.
EU-PolarNet 1 (2015-2020) aimed to improve co-ordination between EU member polar research institutions building on existing networks to create a resource orientated infrastructure access and usage plan. This plan would allow for the co-ordination of data and infrastructure between all the partner organisations.
EU-PolarNet 1has developed an integrated EU Polar research programme by identifying short and long-term scientific needs and optimising the use of co-ordinated Polar infrastructure for multi-platform science missions whilst fostering trans-disciplinary collaboration on Polar research.
Contact person for the Netherlands is Annette Scheepstra
See also a glimpse on Dutch Polar Research

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003766.
Last modified: | 28 March 2023 09.43 a.m. |