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Research Advanced Production Engineering

Research facilities

Processing: PVD and high power lasers

- Teer UDP400/4 magnetron sputter rig

- IPG 3kW Yt:YAG fiber laser & processing stages (welding, cladding, cutting)

- Nd:YAG Lumonics 300

- SLM125HL laser 3D printer

Scanning electron microscopes (SEM):

- Philips ESEM-XL30 FEG + EDAX, & tensile / bending / hot stages

- Tescan LYRA SEM-FIB (focused ion beam) dual beam microscope + ASMEC nano-tester

Transmission electron microscopes (TEM):

- JEOL 2010 FEG + EDS, GIF, + tensile & heating holders, Hysitron picoindenter

- JEOL 4000 EX/II+PEELS (0.165nm)

Scanning probe and optical microscopy:

- AFM/MFM/STM Nanoscope

- Mahr S2/6D2S profilometer

- µSurf confocal microscope

- optical microscopes

Mechanical testing and tribology:

- MTS XP Nano-indentor

- MTS universal testing system

- ARAMIS 3D/2D optical strain viewer

- CSM Scratch tester

- CSM Pin-on-disk high-temperature tribometer

X-ray diffractometer and spectrometers available from other neighbor groups:

- Bruker D8 Advance XRD

- Philips X`Prt PW 3040 Ψ goniometer

- XPS, Raman spectrometer


Last modified:29 August 2018 6.31 p.m.