Accounting PhD Candidates
Research Project
Afridi, Adnan
Essays on the use of non-financial performance measures in CEO compensation contracts
Bishop, Arthur
Bos, Matthijs
The use of management control systems to manage innovation tensions
Bruin, Rosemarijn de
Are auditors cut from the same cloth? Why management control practices do not have the same effect for all auditors on audit quality
Dassen, Guy
Competing professional identities and audit quality in the context of the audit profession, audit team, and audit client: the role of the audit firms’ quality management system.
Hranovska, Arina
Lestari, Dwi
Meer, Niels van der
Accounting standards effectiveness to audit quality are affected by the auditors' ability, client pressure and litigation and claim risks
Munnik, Wilmar de
The impact of management control systems on the quality of motivation and job outcomes: an employee
Nalci, Can
Digital decoupling: the tangled role of voluntary disclosure on digital transformation
Ontong, Juan
Corporate reporting risk disclosures: drivers and implications
Sailer, Lena
Schiphorst, Wout
Under pressure: how auditors remain independent in their interactions with clients
Slooten, Alexander van
The changing role of the finance function: examining the effects of digitalization and an increasing involvement in strategy |
Snippe, Linda
Climate change resilient agriculture: change processes in risk management
Stanescu, Andreea
Tian, Yikai
CEO activism: its antecedents and consequences |
Tiggelaar, Sander
Management control in auditing firms and its implications for managing competing objectives
Wortelboer, Gerben
Managing scarcity in health care: professional and organizational resilience through management control systems
Last modified: | 28 March 2025 10.05 a.m. |