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How should we regulate digital gatekeeping?

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Dr Justin Lindeboom researches the regulation of gatekeeping.

Over the past two decades, Big Tech companies have grown from small startups to the gatekeepers of the Internet. Lawmakers, regulators and competition authorities are struggling to find the best way to deal with those digital gatekeepers.

Justin's research focuses on understanding the history behind gatekeeping, with the goal of making better legislative and regulatory choices. Indeed, to balance power and efficiency, it is important to make value judgments. While it is ultimately up to us to decide whether/how to regulate Big Tech companies, we can learn a lot from the history behind gatekeeping in making those decisions.

Justin Lindeboom is associate professor of European Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen (UG). He is also chairman of the education committee for English-language LLM programs and editor for the European Papers Forum.

In de video below, Justin tells more about his research.

Last modified:15 July 2024 2.28 p.m.
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