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About us Faculty of Law Organization The Röling Building Art in and around the Röling Building

Canvases in the study areas

One of the paintings in the study area. Photo credits: Vincent Wiegers
One of the paintings in the study area. Photo credits: Vincent Wiegers

In 2023, illustrator Tsjisse Talsma created 'Together we meander' for the Faculty of Law, an artwork consisting of four canvases. During the sketching phase, he agreed with a number of students and alumni to build together a landscape of law and their studies. Sometimes this was done in words, sometimes in images, sometimes in response to objects they had brought with them. From all the conversations held, the concept of the river emerged.

The river is central, as a thread running through the paintings. A river shapes and moves with society, just as society reshapes the river's route to its own liking. It influences each other, they react to each other. The water is weighed and molded, branching, finding a way, colliding with itself and finding a new path. It orders the landscape, it transports, bounds, protects and brings together.

The river provides a geographical landmark, a route. The river as the student's journey through the study. It meanders to the left, adjusts and meanders to the right, looking for the right path. Where they all enter/start at the same point, they end in their own specialty, exercised in their own way. Together they meander through the landscape of law school.

Below are some quotes from the students who inspired Tsjisse to design the landscape:

'When two fundamental rights collide, that's when it gets interesting' (Anne Margot Stapert, masterstudent Constitutional and Administrative Law).

'I was a little afraid that this project would be very rigid, but it turns out to be much more fluid and personal than I thought' (Laura Bengel, alumna minor in European and International Law).

'Always weighing everything against each other' (Nanne Kok, IT Law alumnus).

Last modified:14 December 2023 1.26 p.m.
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