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About us Faculty of Law Organization The Röling Building Art in and around the Röling Building

Sculptures in the garden

The three sculptures in the garden of the Röling Building were all created by sculptor Hans Rikken. The sculptures have been given the names "Torch," "Kingfisher" and "Taking you there". The former sculpture is made of oak and muschel limestone and was placed in the Broerstraat in 1992, in the garden of what was then the Public Library. The other two sculptures were added in 2011, both consisting of a combination of stone with copper on wood. When the side entrance was put into use, these works were moved (in consultation with Rikken).

'Torch'. Photo credits: Vincent Wiegers
'Torch'. Photo credits: Vincent Wiegers
'Kingfisher'. Photo credits: Vincent Wiegers
'Kingfisher'. Photo credits: Vincent Wiegers
'Taking you there'. Photo credits: Vincent Wiegers
'Taking you there'. Photo credits: Vincent Wiegers
Last modified:04 December 2023 3.26 p.m.
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