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About us Faculty of Law Research Centres of Expertise Rethinking Public Interests in Private Relationships



This is a list of all researchers that are funded by the Law Sector Plan or are otherwise associated with REPP here at the University of Groningen. You can click on each name to find out more about a person’s research activities.

REPP team

Academic director

REPP-funded researchers

dr. B. (Benedikt) Schmitz, LLM

I am an Assistant Professor of Private International Law and Comparative Contract Law, focussing on the protection of weaker parties in conflicts law and substantive law. Within that broader research interest, my current research project investigates the position of small and medium-sized enterprises in commercial contracting. Do they deserve some form of protection, and if so, to what extent, and how?

My publications and other activities can be found on my personal page.

Selected REPP-publications:

mr. dr. I. (Irene) Visser

My research concerns the forced sale of homes by mortgage lenders in case of default. I study this theme from a comparative perspective. Central in this research is the analysis of the different systems of forced sale of homes in EU member states and the existing formal and informal alternatives in case of default. The goal is to collect more knowledge about key factors for efficient and effective procedures and sufficient safeguards for the home owner and other parties involved. Well-functioning forced sale procedures are important for financial stability in countries, but also contribute to the availability of home ownership for consumers (financed through mortgage loans).

My publications and other activities can be found on my personal page.

Associated researchers

dr. Z. (Zhen) Chen

My publications and other activities can be found on my personal page.

Selected REPP-publications:

  • The Analysis on the Validity of Unilateral Dispute Resolution Clauses in Foreign-related Civil and Commercial Contracts- Based on an Analysis of Cases and Value Orientation

prof. dr. O.O. (Olha) Cherednychenko

The quest for the right balance between public and private interests is central to Olha Cherednychenko's research which focuses on the role of private law in the process of European market integration and the interaction between national and supranational legal orders and public and private governance mechanisms more generally. She is particularly interested in the following three closely interrelated themes: 1) the role of private law in constituting and regulating markets in the public interest, particularly in the financial markets; 2) the interplay between market regulation and traditional private law as well as the public and private enforcement mechanisms; and 3) the impact of fundamental rights and freedoms on private law.

My publications and other activities can be found on my personal page.

Selected REPP-publications:

A. (Anne) Kamphorst

My publications and other activities can be found on my personal page.

prof. mr. dr. S.H. (Sofia) Ranchordás

My publications and other activities can be found on my personal page.

prof. dr. R.A. (Ramses) Wessel

My publications and other activities can be found on my personal page.

Selected REPP-publications:

Last modified:13 February 2025 09.07 a.m.