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The right to mental health

Nepal’s Struggle and Progress in Ensuring the Right to Mental Health

Date:28 February 2023
Rashmi Lamichhane - The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted how a natural disaster can lead to a significant increase, namely by 25%, in the global prevalence of mental disorders, particularly the global prevalence of anxiety and depression. Nepal was no exception to this phenomenon.
The right to mental healthcare in Italian prison

The right to mental healthcare in Italian prisons: obligations of Italy under the AAAQ framework

Date:21 February 2023
Sofia Vanzan - In 2022, Italian detention facilities registered the highest number of suicides of the last ten years. A total of 84 detainees decided to end their life because of the unbearable distress caused by detention and the lack of prospects for the future.
Outdated as it enters into force: the modernised Finnish Act on legal gender affirmation

Outdated as it enters into force: the modernised Finnish Act on legal gender affirmation

Date:09 February 2023
Micaela Peltoniemi - The treatment of transgender people has been one of the most visible shortcomings in Finnish human rights protection. The barriers to accessing legal and medical transition have been widely criticized, given that Finland’s laws on transitioning have been significantly behind its Nordic peers.
Het recht op abortus

Het politieke en morele leiderschap van de overheid bij het recht op abortus

Date:25 July 2022
Janey Huibers - De overheid wil abortus toegankelijker maken door huisartsen de bevoegdheid te geven de abortuspil voor te schrijven en door de bedenktermijn af te schaffen.
My body my choice

Lichamelijke integriteit van vrouwen bij het recht op abortus

Date:22 July 2022
Janey Huibers - De meningen over abortus zijn erg verdeeld. De ene groep vindt dat het leven van een kind bijzonder is en daarom niet zomaar beëindigd mag worden, terwijl de andere groep van mening is dat deze keuze bij de vrouw hoort te liggen.
De gezondheid van vrouwen komt in gevaar als er onvoldoende abortusvoorzieningen zijn.

Een schending van het recht op gezondheid bij onvoldoende abortusvoorzieningen en strenge abortuswetgeving

Date:18 July 2022
Janey Huibers - De gezondheid van vrouwen komt in gevaar als er onvoldoende abortusvoorzieningen zijn en als er sprake is van strenge abortuswetgeving.
To Exercise or not to Exercise

To Exercise or not to Exercise During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Date:04 April 2022
Jorrit Westerhof - During its 18 December 2021 press conference, the Dutch government announced a new set of lockdown measures due to the rapid increase of COVID-19 cases in the Netherlands. These measures included a prohibition of all organised sports activities for persons above the age of eighteen years.
Is there equal access to healthcare?

Part II: De facto protection? Does the reality of indigenous peoples’ right to access to healthcare meet international standards?

Date:21 February 2022
Tais A. Ruiz Palacios - This blogpost will address the status of the indigenous peoples of the Peruvian Amazonia in what concerns the right to access to healthcare. Having already discussed the legal situation in what concerns this right, we will turn towards this case study to visualise whether international instruments such as C169 and UNDRIP have achieved a de facto protection of indigenous populations.
Is there equal access to healthcare? 

Part I: De jure protection? The status of the right to access to healthcare of indigenous peoples under international law

Date:21 February 2022
Tais A. Ruiz Palacios - One of the most pressing concerns in the international community, particularly in what concerns the realisation of human rights de jure and de facto, is the provision of appropriate medical care to marginalised groups, such as indigenous peoples, in a safe and non-discriminatory manner.
Formula 1 and sponsorship

Driving sugar addiction: The Red Bull sponsorship of Formula 1 world champion Max Verstappen

Date:17 February 2022
Anouk Wams - The worldwide media coverage of Max Verstappen’s Formula 1 world championship, in a team owned and sponsored by Red Bull, exemplifies the need for a comprehensive regulatory framework on the advertisement of foods and beverages high in sugar, fat or salt, in other words, unhealthy food products according to the WHO.