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Voices in the Field: Eva Zhang

Date:27 May 2018
Author:GHLG Blog
Voices in the Field
Voices in the Field

In celebration of her upcoming PhD defence on 28 May, Voices in the Field interviewed Eva Zhang about her experience as a researcher specialising in the right to health in China. Zhang’s thesis, entitled ‘Advancing the Right to Health Care in China – Towards Accountability’ looked into accountability for the implementation of the right to health in China, and the various mechanisms such accountability might take. Zhang is also the Chinese liaison of the GHLG Research Centre, in which she establishes relationships between universities and research institutions in the Netherlands and China.

 *Voices in the Field is a multimedia interview series that shares the stories  of  experienced professionals in the field of health and highlights the role of human rights in their careers. This project is brought to you by Global Health Law Groningen and IFHHRO, and co-produced by Jacquelyn Veraldi and Nicole Rusli. Find out more about what inspired Voices in the Field.

Voices in the Field
Voices in the Field


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