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Event: Empowerment of Refugee Women and Girls

Date:12 May 2016
Author:GHLG Blog
Interactive event about the Empowerment of Refugee Women and Girls on 24 May 2016 at 3.30pm in Groningen.

Debate & Film Screening on May 17th: Pills for Patients or Profit?

Date:11 May 2016
Author:GHLG Blog
Join our interactive discussion and share your  perspective with our expert panel

Extension of Smoke-Free Laws to Restaurants and Bars Leads to Less Babies Being Born with Low Birth Weight, Dutch Study Suggests

Date:10 May 2016
Author:GHLG Blog
An investigation into the effects of tobacco control laws by a group of medical researchers sends an important message to law and policy makers. The study reveals that tighter tobacco control laws and policies, especially those introducing an extension of the smoke-free law to the hospitality industry, in combination with a tax increase and a public campaign, leads to less babies being born with low birth weight.

Insights on the United Nations’ sixtieth session of the Commission on the Status of Women

Date:26 April 2016
Author:GHLG Blog
From March 14-24 2016, world leaders and advocates for women’s rights from around the world attended the United Nations’ sixtieth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, which tackled women’s empowerment and its link to sustainable development.

Symposium: International Health Governance of Disease Outbreaks

Date:12 April 2016
Author:GHLG Blog
The recent Ebola crisis that shook West Africa, exceeded any previous Ebola epidemic and later was declared a pandemic by the WHO not only stretched local health care systems, but also revealed deep structural deficiencies in the international response to health issues of such a scale.

Upcoming GHLG event: Doorwerking sociaal-economische mensenrechten

Date:07 April 2016
Author:GHLG Blog
Op 28 april 2016 zal Gerrit-Jan Pulles, advocaat bij Van der Woude de Graaf een lezing houden over de doorwerking van sociaal-economische mensenrechten in de nationale rechtspraktijk.

Towards Individualized Vulnerability in Migration Policies

Date:01 April 2016
Author:GHLG Blog
There should be more emphasis on an individual assessment of the needs of persons who might be particularly susceptible to harm.

Love in the Times of Zika: Public Health Strategies and Women’s SRHR in Latin America

Date:17 March 2016
Author:GHLG Blog
The World Health Organization has declared a public health emergency in response to the Zika virus, stating that “the level of alarm is extremely high.”

The Committee on ESCR and the Long-Awaited General Comment on the Right to Sexual and Reproductive Health: The Right to Abortion is a Fundamental Human Right

Date:15 March 2016
Author:GHLG Blog
Last 4th of March, the new General Comment No. 22 on the Right to sexual and reproductive health (article 12 of the ICESCR) was adopted by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR).

New GHLG Publication: Access to Preventive Health Care for Undocumented Migrants: A Comparative Study of Germany, The Netherlands and Spain from a Human Rights Perspective

Date:25 February 2016
Author:GHLG Blog
The present study analyzes the preventive health care provisions for nationals and undocumented migrants in Germany, the Netherlands and Spain in light of four indicators derived from the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ General Comment 14 (GC 14).