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About us Faculty of Law Law Knowledgebase Schedules & Regulations Rules and Regulations (academic year 2023-2024 can be found in the archive) Regulations examinations

Guidelines during examinations

Examination Regulation

Check Examination Regulation here.

Arriving too late

You will not be allowed to participate in the examination if you arrive more than half an hour late. The invigilator(s) may refuse you to sit in the examination if you do not have a valid reason for showing up late.

This could be found in article 11 of the Examination Regulation.

“Do not grade”

If you notice, while taking a written examination, that you might fail this examination, you could prevent from getting a failing grade in the following way: during or immediately after the examination, you can inform the lecturer or invigilator that you do not want your exam paper to be graded. You need to do this by writing down “Do not grade” on your answer sheets. You should, however, hand in the written examination papers and answer sheets to the lecturer/invigilator. This is not possible for oral exams or other assessment forms.

Please be aware!By writing ‘do not correct’, you are assumed not to have participated in the examination. All rights linked to examination participation will become null and void for this student for such examinations. This alsoexcludesyou from a possible future appeal to theAberrant Examination Regulation.

Law books


  • Adding notes: words, numbers, article numbers, etc.
  • Placing arrows


  • Highlighting
  • Underlining
  • Use of coloured tabs (if blank)

These rules are used to prevent fraud. Having a text with annotations at your disposal during the examination will be considered fraud as arranged for in article 15 Examination Regulation.


In principle, you are not allowed to use dictionaries during examinations.

Mobile phones

Your mobile phones are not allowed to be switched on and/or be available during the examinations. The invigilator can check that you do not have your mobile phone switched on or available. An invigilator is also allowed to (temporarily) confiscate similar devices.

Last updated on 21-7-2023

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