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About us Faculty of Law Law Knowledgebase Schedules & Regulations Rules and Regulations (academic year 2023-2024 can be found in the archive) Regulations examinations

Discussion of examinations

Availability of the examination questions

If a written examination has been conducted, the examination must be made available to students after the examination at a fixed time.

Information to be taken after the examination

Every examination sheet will be provided with information about time, place and type of consultation, when the examination taken can be discussed such that students can take it along with them after the examination. (The appendix to) the examination form should also state that an appeal may be lodged against a decision of examiners within six weeks with the Board of Appeals for Examinations, in accordance with Article 7.60 of the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW). This appeal should be lodged through theCentral Portal for the Legal Protection of Student Rights.

Exam discussion or inspection

The lecturer involved, will arrange a time and place where:

  • the corrected examination will be returned to the examinees for inspection and a general discussion will be held, or
  • the corrected examinations with standard answers will be shown or handed out to examinees.

The time of the discussion must be no later than two weeks after the announcement of the exam results and if possible no later than four working days before the resit examination. In deviation of the aforementioned, the consultation of resit examinations of block 4 can be scheduled in the period before the start of the adjacent first semester. If an examination has been taken in written form, the questions posed in the exam must be made available to the student for inspection after the examination, at the latest at the aforementioned time.In deviation of this, the period for examinations for the second semester may fall in the period around the start of the next first semester.

Discussion must aim at clarifying errors or omissions in an answer given by a student(s).
Students may take notes during the discussion as long as this is not done on the examination sheet.

If an examination has been taken digitally, the questions posed in the exam and the answers given by the student must be made available for inspection for a reasonable period of time. During the exam discussion, students are responsible for having their answers available, in a manner specified by the lecturer (print or digital).

Check at distribution examination papers

At the time of the discussion or inspection, the examinations will be returned to the examinees by members of the relevant department in such a way that name, student card number and/or registration number can be checked during the inspection or taking out of the exam.

A student who is not present during the exam discussion without prior notice and which notice holds reasonable grounds, does not have the right to have an exam discussion.
However, a student is given the opportunity to inspect the examination made at a predetermined and announced moment. The examiner assesses the reasonable grounds for the absence.

Individual discussion

The lecturer involved, will provide students with the opportunity to discuss the examination individually, either at a time immediately subsequent to the discussion or inspection, or on a later day.

If an individual student does not attend the discussion at the time and place of discussion or inspection and does not submit a notice of absence based on reasonable grounds, an individual discussion may be refused.
The Board of Examiners does not accept holidays or vacations as a reasonable ground for absence. The student will be given the opportunity to inspect the examination at a pre-set and published time.

Conduct of students during a discussion

Students are expected to remain polite at all times and only discuss their individual case with lecturer(s) if they disagree with the assessment of the lecturer(s) of their specific answer. It is expected of students to only argue based on the content of the answer given by the student in the examination compared to the answer provided by the lecturer during the exam discussion. No general statements can be made during theseexam discussions, only individual cases can be taken into consideration. It is not expected of lecturers to discuss and re-assess all examinations once more during theexam discussions.
The intention of the exam discussion is to explain what the correct answer should have been and perhaps in individual cases, explain why the answer provided is correct of insufficiently correct to receive the maximum number of points.

Copy of examination when appealing the result

If a student appeals the result, the student will, at their request, be provided with a copy of the corrected examination paper.

Every examinee is allowed to arrange for the copy of his or her corrected examination to be collected by someone else at the time of the exam discussion . The responsible lecturer should be informed by the student in writing or by email. The person picking up the examination paper must present the registration number, their own identification, and proof of identification of the examinee.

Last update: 21-7-2023

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