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Ill, what to do?

Sudden illness or personal circumstances?

If illness or special circumstances prevent you from participating in an examination, in principle no aberrant examination regulation is awarded to you. An aberrant examination can only be awarded if you cannot participate in the two subsequent examination opportunities (again due to illness or special circumstances) and this will concretely result in unreasonable study delay. Please be aware: you thus have no right to two examination chances, but can use two examination opportunities.

Procedure in case of sudden illness or personal circumstances:

  • Have you fallen ill for the first sit of an examination, please inform the International Office as soon as possible but at the day of the examination at the latest by sending an email LLB, exchangelaw, or LLM
  • Are you (still) ill for the resit of the same course, you again need to inform the International Office as soon as possible, but at the day of the resit examination at the latest.

You then need to request the Board of Examiners for an aberrant examination regulation. This can be done by using this form. You need to include your medical statement or other proof of illness or special circumstances. Please note you cannot apply for an aberrant examination regulation if you have not informed the International Office timely as mentioned above.

If you are participating in courses which have an attendance requirement, you will also have to inform the lecturers of these courses. Therefore, keep close track of the regulations in the courses you are participating in.

Long-term illness or personal circumstances?

Do you have a long-term illness or are not able to study due to force majeure, you need to contact the study adviser of the International Office as soon as possible. Examples of force majeure situations are: illness, pregnancy, a functional impairment, special family circumstances or educational force majeure.

This report to the International Office is particularly important in relation to the Binding Study Advice which is given at the end of your first year of studies. This allows the International Office to assess whether or not an aberrant examination regulation is needed (and possible) and how this would work out. We would like to stress that no such appeals can be made afterwards.

Graduation Fund

Students who have study delays as a result of those special circumstances can, under certain conditions, in some cases be supported by a contribution from the University’s Graduation Fund. It is vital that you immediately contact the study advisers of the International Office in cases of (expected) study delay. They will open a report for you with the Graduation Fund and will refer you if necessary to the student counsellors in case of delays of 15 ECTS or more. Also check the Graduation Fund Regulations for more information.

Ill and having extra facilities?

If your impairment has led to the Board of Examiners granting you extra facilities during your examinations and these facilities are taken care of by the Office for Student Affairs and you turn ill, you need to inform the administration of this illness at least on the day of the examination. You can do so by sending an email to voorzieningen-rechten


Please contact the International Office (LLB, exchangelaw, or LLM for your questions.

Last update: 21-6-2024

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