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Research Colloquium




The Research Colloquium aims to:
a. improve the writing and communication skills;
b. deepen the research skills;
c. add to the academic formation.

Students need to write and present their bachelor theses; they are expected to work independently but under the supervision of their supervisor. Students will formulate an academically relevant research question, set up a research plan, collect, analyse and evaluate relevant information and data, and formulate conclusions based on the research conducted. Research results have to be clearly presented in a research paper and orally presented and defended in front of lecturers and fellow students. Students will be evaluated on their research and presentation skills.

Bachelor concluding course unit

The Research Colloquium is the bachelor-concluding course unit within the LLB programme International and European Law. This course is therefore only open to students who are in the final stages of this LLB programme.


You can participate in the Research Colloquium when you have obtained at least 90 ECTS including all first year courses. These credits need to be available in Progress.

The Board of Examiners can deviate from this rule at the request of a student in case of extraordinary circumstances.

For more information, please checkOcasys.


More information about the enrolment procedure can be foundhere.

Last update: 21-7-2023

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