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About us Faculty of Law Law Knowledgebase Programmes, Course units & Study advice

Study advisers


The study advisers for all English-taught programmes are part of the Faculty’s International Office. The study advisers can help you with any questions which have a (possible) relation with or have consequences for your study programme.
Next to advising about your study programme, the study advisers can also arrange for the Faculty to possibly take personal situations (e.g. illness or other special circumstances) into consideration. The study advisers can also be a guide to finding other organs within the University. The study adviser also would like to think along with you when it comes to study planning and additions to your programme (e.g. extracurricular activities).

The study adviser can help you with

  • Study choice & study progress;
  • Questions about study planning and options in case of delay or extra course units (e.g. study abroad, extra courses or internships);
  • Difficulties starting up/keep going when studying;
  • Study skills
  • Discuss the possibilities of extra facilities;
  • Illness which can influence your studies;
  • Mental problems;
  • Personal circumstances, like divorce, deaths, illness in the family;
  • ... and for any other questions which have a (possible) connection to your study programme.

Contact options study advisers


Please check the Law Knowledgebase, our digital Study Guide, first for the questions most frequently asked. If your question does not appear, please contact the study advisers of the International Office. You can do so by emailing them: LLB (LLB students), exchangelaw (incoming exchange students), and LLM (pre-LLM & LLM students).

Office hours

The International Office has two kinds of office hours:

  • Walk-in office hours
  • Office hours by appointment

Walk-in office hours

The study advisers of the International Office have walk-in office hours on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10 am - 12 pm in room SA1 / 1217.0149. These office hours work on a first come, first served-basis.

By appointment

Please use our online system to make an appointment with a study adviser:

The International Office study advisers

The International Office currently has 5 study advisers:

Ms E.V. (Emilia) Johnson, MA
Ms M. (Maaike) Kooijman, MSc
Ms S. (Sara) Penaguião-Houttuin, MA

Ms M. (Minke) Sijbrandij, MA

Any questions including questions about the Binding Study Advice can be posed to either of the study advisers.

All incoming exchange students can pose their question to Ms I.B. (Berenice) Domìnguez Armenta.

Last update: 15-10-2024

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