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Consecutive Degree Programme with Western University

Aim of the Consecutive Degree Programme with the University of Western Ontario (UWO), Canada

UG students will be able to complement their Dutch Law Degree by earning a UWO LLB by attending UWO for an exchange year and one additional year. Similarly, this Consecutive Degree Programme (CDP) will permit University of Western Ontario (UWO) students to earn an LLB from UWO and an LLM from the University of Groningen (UG) in 3½ years. The aim is to have the so-called effectus civilis in both countries and as such this degree is only available to students in the Dutch-taught programme Rechtsgeleerdheid.

UWO LLB programme for UG Law students after their LLB in Groningen

After completing two years of their three-year law degree, students may apply to the CDP, provided they stand in the top half of their UG class. Students will have to maintain this standing during the remainder of their law degree at UG to enrol in UWO’s LLB programme. UG students accepted into the programme will be required to complete two years at the UWO Faculty of Law.

During their initial year at UWO, the UG students will be enrolled in the regular first-year programme. In the second year of the CDP, UG students will be required to take the compulsory elements of UWO’s regular upper-year programme, subject to the exception that a student who has already taken an equivalent to Public International Law need only take two of the four core-group courses rather than three of the five. In addition to these compulsory elements, students will select additional upper-year courses to enrol in a minimum of 29 credit hours. The requirements of UWO’s first and upper-year law programme are available from the International Office of the Faculty of Law in Groningen, after students have been selected for this CDP.

Academic Policies

Once admitted into the CDP, students will be required to meet the academic progression requirements of the school that they are attending. Similarly, students will have to comply with the student code of conduct and academic integrity requirements of that school.

UG students admitted to the CDP will be eligible for the Dean’s Honour List in each of their two years of study at UWO, and will graduate with distinction from UWO if they are on the Dean’s Honour List in both years.

Tuition (provisional and provided for information only)

UG students in the first year of the LLB at UWO will, like other exchange students, pay regular tuition to UG. In their second year, they will pay tuition to UWO at the same level as its other second-year students.


Please refer to the International Office of the Faculty of Law if you are interested in participating in this Consecutive Degree Programme. Please be aware that there are only a few places available each year.

Last modified:12 September 2024 10.37 a.m.
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