Career prospects
(Image: Inside the UN General Assembly, photo by Basil D Soufi)
Graduates of the bachelor programme in International and European Law will – even moreso if having completed an additional master programme - be qualified for careers in diplomacy, as civil servants for national ministries, the EU, the UN or other international organizations, in non-governmental organizations (such as Amnesty International or Greenpeace), in the international commercial sector (such as Unilever or Shell), or in academic teaching and research. Below you will see a distribution of the different arenas where past LLB students are currently working.
Many LLB graduates often continue on to specialise in a particular legal field by pursuing an LLM programme, either in Groningen or at other reputable universities. You can read about one of our LLB graduates who pursued an LLM after her studies in Portugal here, and you can read about the experiences of LLB graduates who pursued their LLM in Groningen in our student blog here. One of our graduates, that works as an Environmental Lawyer, was recently elected UG Alumnus of 2023.
You can also read about the international career paths of several of our LLB graduates in this edition of the NEXUS Magazine.
Further, all students have access to Careers Services Law who can help in finding and preparing for internships and employment. You can read more about pursuiing an internship while studying in the LLB here.

Access to traditional legal professions
Please note that entry into traditional legal professions (advocate, attorney, barrister, judge, etc.) is not guaranteed upon completion of this programme as such entry depends on different national requirements per country. Students should consult the websites of the bar associations or judiciary of the country they seek to practice law in for specific details regarding eligibility. You can have a look at our Career Services Law for guidance as to where to begin looking for national requirements here. For students who want to become a barrister or solicitor in the UK, you can find an explanation about conversion courses here.
Do you have a question about the LLB programme? Contact the Faculty of Law directly through our information request form.
Last modified: | 21 October 2024 09.42 a.m. |