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About us Faculty of Law International programmes Incoming exchange (guest students)

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I apply as an exchange  student?
To apply as an exchange student you will need to complete an application form and send it to the International Office before the deadline. Application materials and details can be found under How to apply.

What language skills do I need?
If you are a non-native English speaker you will need to have a good passive and active proficiency in English. You are not required to submit a TOEFL or IELTS. However, if a student’s knowledge of English appears to be insufficient, the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen reserves the right not to admit this student to the courses and the examinations. Please take a look at the requirements.

Where can I find information about courses?
To find information about individual courses such as credit load, course start and content, please see our course information.

How many credits do I need to take per semester?
The full study load for one semester is 30 ECTS. The university expects exchange and guest students to take the full load.

What does the academic calendar look like?
The academic year at the University of Groningen is divided into 2 semesters. One semester consists of 2 teaching blocks, so an academic year consists of 4 teaching blocks. Each teaching block consists of 7 or 8 lecture weeks, immediately followed by 3 weeks of exams. The examination period at the end of teaching block 4 has 4 exam weeks, which includes the resits for block 3 and 4. For further information and the exact start and end dates of the semesters, please see our academic calendar.

Will I receive a Transcript of Records?
At the end of the student’s study period in Groningen the student can request their Transcript of Records in Mobility Online. The Transcript of Records will be based on the courses the student has indicated on their approved Learning Agreement. After the student has submitted their request, all the student’s results will be checked and when all results are available, the Transcript of Records will be made. The Transcript of Records will be sent to the home university and to the student by email.

How can I arrange my residence permit?
The Immigration Service Desk (ISD) at the University of Groningen will apply for the student's residence permit/visa to the IND. After the student's application has been approved and the student has been registered as a UG student, the ISD will contact the student and will provide detailed information and instructions on the entry visa and residence permit application procedures, and whether they need to apply for an entry visa or a residence permit. For more information look here.

What is the difference between an MVV, a residence permit and a visa?
You will need a (tourist) visa if you stay in the Netherlands for less than three months. The MVV or entrance visa is needed when you stay longer than three months. It is a prerequisite for the residence permit. For more information look here.

How can I find accommodation?
The University does not have a campus! After nomination you will also receive further instructions on the exact housing procedure. To book accommodation, international students can make use of the Student Housing organization called SSHXL. All general information about SSHXL procedures, house rules, bank details etc. can be found on the SSH website Of course there is also the option of arranging for private accomodation. For more information look here.

What will happen if I decide to decline my housing offer?
As a general rule, each student is offered a housing option twice by SSHXL. If you decline both offers, you take on the responsibility of finding housing by yourself.

What about health insurance?
It is mandatory to have a health insurance. If you don't have already an insurance or you cannot use it while you are on exchange. You can read this information about Insurances.

How much will the living costs be?
An estimate of the living costs can be found here.

Can I get a part-time job in Groningen?
Part-time jobs are very hard to find in Groningen, especially when you do not speak Dutch. Most of the students try to find jobs here, but do not succeed. Please keep this in mind while calculating your financial situation. Besides this, the Aliens Police does not allow students from abroad to work more than 10 hours a week on a student Residence Permit. Breaking this rule will cost you your residence permit.

Last modified:03 July 2024 2.53 p.m.