GovTechTalks: Digital Government in Denmark. From Legal Clerk to Compliance Advisor
When: | Th 04-03-2021 12:00 - 13:00 |
Where: | Online |
This online and interdisciplinary talks series on digital government and society will take place twice a month on Thursdays at 12.00 CET. Registration is required and is free. The events will be widely publicized on social media and through different academic networks. Each session will include two invited speakers who will present their research and engage with the audience’s questions.
Organizer: Prof. dr. Sofia Ranchordas
Seminar 4 March 2021, 12 PM CET: Digital Government in Denmark. From Legal Clerk to Compliance Advisor
Invited Speakers:
- Ayo Næsborg-Andersen, PhD, LLM (Associate Professor of Law, University of Southern Denmark)
- Hanne Marie Motzfeldt, PhD, LLM (Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law)
Ayo Næsborg-Andersen
Ayo Næsborg-Andersen, PhD, LLM, is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Southern Denmark, Department of Law. Her research areas are data protection law and human rights, with a particular focus on the overlap between the two areas. Most recently, she contributed to the HECAT project under the EU Horizon 2020 program on disruptive technologies supporting labour market decision making.

Hanne Marie Motzfeldt
Hanne Marie Motzfeldt, PhD, LLM, is Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Center of Information and Innovation law. Her research areas is focused on the fundamental principles of data protection regulation and administrative law with focus on general regulation of the development and use of new technologies in the public sector.

In Denmark, it is a legal requirement that technologies used by public authorities support compliance with the relevant legal requirements for the public sector´s activities (administrative law by design). However, this relatively obvious requirement has proven difficult to realize, despite the supplementary requirement of the presence of legal competences in all significant phases of a digitalization process. Therefore, the university of Southern Denmark and the University of Copenhagen joined forces in a research project: From Legal Clerk to Compliance Advisor. Here the structure of collaboration and the communication models used was studied. A more flexible collaboration model between digitalization professionals and legal professionals has been proposed. Further, an adjusted communication model for legal professionals, adapted to digitalization projects, has been developed. The presentation will present both the developed model, as well as diving into some of the examples of projects gone wrong, particularly in the Danish social security sector.