Speakers and Chairs

Nicole Versijp works at the European Commission's Directorate General for Energy. Since November 2013 she works on the promotion of energy infrastructure development, particularly for the Northern Seas region.
Having a Master's in political sciences, Nicole worked for several NGO’s and at the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs before moving to Brussels. At the European Commission she previously worked on international relations in higher education, in transport and in energy.

Eamon Ryan is a senior researcher at E3G. He has published several policy documents on the development of an offshore grid and has spoken at several events on this topic.
Eamon is also the leader of the Green Party in Ireland. He was Minister of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources in the Irish Government from June 2007 to January 2011.

Antje Orths works as chief engineer in the System Development and Electricity Market Unit of the Danish TSO Energinet.dk. Antje works in ENTSO-E and is involved in the implementation of European Infrastructure Projects of Common Interest concerning electricity and gas. She is member of the regional initiative NSCOGI and represents Denmark in the IEA group on Large Scale Integration of Wind Energy. Antje has led the Working Group “European Infrastructure” in an IEEE Committee for several years, and is the author of numerous scientific papers.

Teun van Biert works as a Senior Manager Corporate Asset Owner at TenneT, both in the Netherlands and Germany. He joined TenneT after various positions in the energy industry. Prior positions in the industry were at power-generation, trading and energy-distribution in the Netherlands and abroad. In 2007 he started at TenneT, firstly in the field of Regulation and Asset Ownership in the Netherlands. Next to working at TenneT, he chairs the ENTSO-E Regional Group North Seas and is a member of ENTSO-E’s System Development Committee.

Paul Wilczek works as a Senior Political Affairs Advisor on Grids and Internal Market at the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). His main dossiers are the implementation of the 3rd Energy Package, offshore and onshore grid development and electricity markets. Paul has obtained his Master’s degree of economics, political science and public law from the Universities of Heidelberg and Potsdam. Since 2005 he has worked on various EU Policy topics in Berlin and Brussels, including Structural Funds and EU Energy and Transport Policy.

Mart van der Meijden is part-time full Professor with the Department of Electrical Sustainable Energy of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computers Science of the Delft University of Technology. He has more than 30 years of working experience in the field of process automation and the energy transmission and distribution. Mart is also working as Manager R&D/Innovation at TenneT TSO, and was responsible for the development of the TenneT long term vision on the electrical transmission system. Mart is member of IEEE and CIGRE and he has joined and chaired different national and international expert groups.

Martha M. Roggenkamp is Professor of Energy Law at the University of Groningen and Director of the Groningen Centre of Energy Law. Since the early 1990s, she has published widely on energy law issues. Martha Roggenkamp is the editor-in-chief of the series Energy & Law published by Intersentia and in the editorial boards of several energy journals. She is the project leader of the joint research project ‘Developing a Transnational Electricity Infrastructure Offshore: Design, Operations and Regulatory Solutions´.

Hannah Katharina Müller is a Researcher at the Groningen Centre of Energy Law within the law faculty of the University of Groningen. Hannah has studied law with a focus on European and Comparative Law in Bremen, Oldenburg and Groningen. After her graduation (with distinction) in 2010, Hannah worked as a research assistant at the Institute of European and Comparative Law at the University of Oxford. In January 2011, she started her PhD thesis on “A legal framework for a transnational offshore grid in the North Sea: legal challenges and solutions” at the Groningen Centre of Energy Law. Hannah has published several papers on this topic and has spoken at many international conferences.

Shahab Shariat Torbaghan works at a researcher at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Shahab has studied Electric power engineering. He received his Master’s degree in 2010 from the Chalmers University of Technology. In 2011, he started his PhD on the development of a transnational offshore grid at the Delft University of Technology. Within his thesis, Shahab investigates the possibilities for optimising benefits to society and investment return in the design and operation of a North Sea offshore grid. He has published several papers and has spoken on international conferences on this topic.

Madeleine Gibescu is Associate Professor with the Electrical Energy Systems Department, Eindhoven University of Technology. Her research interests are in the area of smart and sustainable power systems. She received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Washington, Seattle in 2003.
Madeleine has worked as a Research Engineer for ClearSight Systems, and as a Power Systems Engineer for the Alstom Grid, Washington, U.S. From 2007 on, she has worked as Assistant Professor for the Electrical Sustainable Energy Department at the Delft University of Technology.
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Last modified: | 28 May 2019 4.37 p.m. |