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Dimitry Kochenov Discusses the Future of Ius Soli in the US on BBC Radio's 'Talk Back' show

01 November 2018
Prof. Dimitry Kochenov
Prof. Dimitry Kochenov

Appearing on BBC Radio, Professor Dimitry Kochenov underlined the difficulties of moving away from the ius soli principle by way of an executive order and also put the current US citizenship acquisition regime in the context of the global legal practice. The US emerges as a more equitable country on this count compared with the European Union, where the last pure ius soli rule was abolished in Ireland in 2004 and all the children of illegal immigrants are then de iure excluded from the society of citizens.

BBC Sounds (Professor Dimitry Kochenov contribution starts at 1 hour 9 minutes)

This article was published by the Faculty of Law.

Last modified:08 April 2021 09.07 a.m.

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