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Casper Albers and Nadine Akkerman win De Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2019

06 January 2020

On december 27th the Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2019 (National Science Quiz 2019) took place in De Balie in Amsterdam. Six researchers took on the challenge, consisting of 17 questions from different fields of science. The team of Casper Albers and literature writer Nadine Akkerman (Leiden University) competed against Belle Derks (Utrecht University) and Masi Mohammadi (HAN, TU/e) and Maaike Harbers (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences) and Gideon Koekoek (Maastricht University).

The quiz can be viewed on the De Balie website.

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.56 a.m.
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