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UG teams up with German border region

10 February 2017

The University of Groningen (UG) has officially approved collaboration agreements with the German border region. In Papenburg on Friday, 10 February the founding of the University of Groningen North West Germany (UGNWG) branch was presented, in the presence of various German partners.

The UG's branch at the Marien Hospital in Papenburg was already announced in September 2013. Since then, collaboration between UG researchers and border-area businesses and organizations has been on the rise. The UG presence in Papenburg further consolidates connections between the UG and German partners, and increases UG visibility. It is a starting point for new initiatives.

Close links with the border region

‘Our close, age-old connection with Germany began with our founder, Ubbo Emmius. For a long time now, we have been working together with higher education and research institutes in the border region. And every year we welcome a large number of German students', says UG President Poppema. ‘This collaboration generates placement opportunities and jobs for graduates. In addition, our German network opens up new opportunities for research, which will stimulate the economic development of the region.

Over 100 placements

Over 100 placement openings for medical students have already been created in Germany. In addition, the UG is working together with German partners in various projects in the fields of energy, healthcare, logistics, public administration and the living environment. Examples include a geothermal energy project (Green Energy Park Heede), liveability in the Wadden area (WadNu?!), employee health (Sprinterreg) and innovative uses of slick (Dutch Ems Dollard waters). Further, the UG is collaborating in a project on the integration of German and Dutch army units.

German and Dutch partners: Hermann Wocken (mayor Dörpen), Annemieke Galema (R&V RUG), Peter van Kampen (UGNWG), Karel Groen (EDR), Harald Orfgen (UGNWG), Sibrand Poppema, Mathias Bitter (Marien Hospital), Paul Bloem (Meyer Werft), Jan Peter Bechtluft (mayor Papenburg)
German and Dutch partners: Hermann Wocken (mayor Dörpen), Annemieke Galema (R&V RUG), Peter van Kampen (UGNWG), Karel Groen (EDR), Harald Orfgen (UGNWG), Sibrand Poppema, Mathias Bitter (Marien Hospital), Paul Bloem (Meyer Werft), Jan Peter Bechtluft (mayor Papenburg)
Last modified:14 April 2020 11.25 a.m.
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