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Millions worth of grants for four Groningen top researchers

NWO awards prestigious Vici grants
17 February 2017
The Academy Building
The Academy Building

Four prominent academics from the University of Groningen have been awarded EUR 1.5 million each, to be spent on five years of research and the establishment of their own research groups. They have been awarded Vici grants as part of NWO’s Innovational Research Incentives Scheme (‘Vernieuwingsimpuls’).

NWO awards Vici grants on the basis of the researchers’ quality, the innovative nature and academic impact of their research proposal and application of knowledge. The Vici grants are intended for ‘excellent, experienced researchers who have successfully developed a new research line and thus established themselves prominently at both national and international levels’, says NWO. This year a total of 34 academics have been awarded a Vici grant.

Vici laureates in Groningen:

Deniz Başkent
Deniz Başkent

It takes two to communicate: Voice perception and linguistic content

Deniz Başkent , Professor Auditory Perception, Ear, Nose and Throat Department, University Medical Center Groningen:

Talking is what makes us human, but hearing impairment can lead to long-term loss of the ability to hear others’ voices. While this is often seen as a disability, in this project we use the effects of hearing impairment to investigate the value of voice perception in speech communication.

Ute Bültmann
Ute Bültmann

Today’s youth is tomorrow’s workforce

Ute Bültmann is Professor Work and Health, in particular from a Life-course Epidemiological Perspective, Department of Health Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen:

Today, young workers have to deal with changing work and labour markets. Maintaining a healthy working life is important for individuals and society. The researchers will assess mental health and work challenges with life courses lens to support young people transitioning into work and to facilitate a healthy working life.

Gerrit Poelarends
Gerrit Poelarends

Greener medicines

Gerrit Poelarends , Associate Professor Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Biology:

Gamma-aminobutyric acids represent abundantly prescribed drugs, which are broadly applied as anticonvulsants, antidepressants and for the treatment of neuropathic pain. In this VICI project, the researchers will develop novel enzymatic synthesis routes for the greener, more sustainable and more step-economic production of these important pharmaceuticals.

Hedderik van Rijn
Hedderik van Rijn

The stopwatch in our brains

Hedderik van Rijn , Associate Professor Cognitive Science and Neuroscience, Department Psychometrics & Statistics:

Optimal human behavior strongly depends on the accurate estimation of short intervals. Yet, scientists don’t know how the stopwatch in our brain functions. In this project, scientists will construct a computer-model of our brain and explain how we can utilize time for optimal behavior, and how to become better timers.

Read also: news release NWO

Last modified:30 March 2020 11.03 a.m.
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