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NWO Rubicon travel grant for Gert Stulp

19 December 2013

Sociologist Gert Stulp is one of the four young researchers from the University of Groningen who will be able to conduct research abroad thanks to funding from NWO. NWO offers recent PhD graduates the opportunity to gain research experience at internationally renowned institutes abroad via its Rubicon programme.

An evolutionary approach to choosing to have children or not

Dr G. (Gert) Stulp (m), RUG -> The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Evolutionary Demography (GB), 24 months

Individual’s decisions whether or not to have children in modern, industrialized societies are poorly understood. An evolutionary approach to such decisions could provide new insights, and reveal whether contemporary reproductive behaviour is (mal)adaptive. Such insights could furthermore improve population forecasts, thus facilitate population policy.

Last modified:04 July 2014 9.39 p.m.
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