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Spanish dissertation award for Mónica López (Remedial Education)

13 November 2012

Mónica López, postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Remedial Education, has won the 'Extraordinary psychology doctorate prize 2011-2012' awarded by  the University of Oviedo (Spain) for her dissertation "Outcomes assessment of foster care in Spain", through which she obtained her PhD 'cum laude' on 15 March 2011.

The price of the University of Oviedo is awarded annually to a PhD graduate, who has written an excellent dissertation and has made an effort to make their research results available for (the improvement of) the practice of psychological and educational services .

López's study is the first in Spain that uses a comprehensive survey to map which children are in foster care, how they develop and what factors affect whether or not  these children return to their original families.  In a sub-study, López examines the recruitment and selection of new foster families.

In Groningen, Mónica López works with Hans Grietens and Erik Knorth, conducting research into the experiences of children in foster care and professional decision-making regarding child abuse.


Last modified:20 June 2024 07.47 a.m.
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