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Launch GESP: The Challenge of Energy Transition

From 13.00 to 18.00 on Thursday  7 July 2011, Het Paleis, Groningen
07 July 2011

Insights from Energy and Sustainability Research at the University of Groningen

Energy transition opens up new avenues for research into renewable energy sources. It also holds the prospect of innovation, increased indenpendence, more robust infrastructure, and a potential redistribution of power and responsibility.

How is energy transition affecting our work and our world? How are we shaping an energy transition?

In the course of the afternoon, the value of energy transition as a leading principle will be analysed from a number of fields. The event will enable a deeper insight into the impact of energy transition for the entire energy chain, and highlight the wealth and strength of complementary expertise on energy and sustainability at the University of Groningen.

You are cordially invited to join us for this event! To be added to our guest list, please send an email to Ms Dity van Dijk (d.w.e.van.dijk-jonkman by 24 June.

Last modified:22 January 2024 09.03 a.m.
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