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Medical Library
Medical Library Studying

Request a book

How to request a book from our own collection?

Students and staff can request print books from the Medical Library and the University Library collections via SmartCat. We will then set aside the book for you at the location of your choice.

  • Go to our catalogue SmartCat and search for a book
    • Tip: This is easiest by searching with a combination of author name and title words, eg: guyton medical physiology
    • Tip: Usually SmartCat displays the e-book first (if there is one). Click on 'Explore all editions and formats' to also see the print copies. Or select Print Book as a filter
    • Tip: Browse through this overview of medical books by subject available at the Medical Library. From there you can click through to the book in SmartCat
  • If a book is present at the library, it says: 'Held by University of Groningen'. (Is the book not available in Groningen? Then request it from another library )
Request button

  • Click the Request button to request the book (or you can take the book off the shelf yourself of course)
  • Log in with your UMCG account* or your student number.

    * If you are a UMCG employee and you place a request for the first time, you will get a message 'Ask your librarian'. Mail ( library ) or call (tel. 361 6200) us to pass along your barcode (that is the number on the backside of your UMCG card). We will then activate your card en you can continue with your request.
  • Indicate at which location you want to pick up the book (Medical Library, University Library or Zernike Library)
  • If a copy of the item is 'available', it will be ready for you the same day or the next. If the book is currently lent out, the first copy of that title to be returned will be held for you.
  • You will be notified via e-mail as soon as you can pick up the book

Last modified:14 September 2024 2.55 p.m.
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