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Medical Library News

Stay up to date on the latest medical research and topic reviews with 'Read'

our new journal app for medical journals
17 April 2017

The Central Medical Library has licensed the journal app 'Read'.

Read provides a single place to discover new research, read outstanding topic reviews and search PubMed. You decide how, when and where you want to read your favorite journals. You can read it on the web and it has apps for Android, iPad and iPhone.


Create an acoount

Use your work email address when creating an account. Select as Account Settings Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen and login with your proxy account (students can use their student number)

Reasons to use Read

You can already use BrowZine to read journals, so you might be wondering why we added READ?

The short answer is:
since READ is different and our library users are also diverse!

Read is different No. 1:

It provides the latest journal articles from a very large collection of medical journals, which is not limited to the collection of our library.
(BrowZine offers journals in áll disciplines, but only journals for which we have a subscription)


  • if you want to keep up with the latest articles the moment they're published: choose READ
  • if you want to browse your favorite journals once a week, or twice a month: choose BrowZine.

Read is different No. 2:

because of the featured papers. Based on the speciality chosen, the journals you follow and the articles you read and save, READ constantly shows new selections of relevant "Featured papers".

Read is different No. 3:

because it offers a SEARCH option. READ searches basically in PubMed and apparently a database with topic reviews. The search option itself is simple, but does use the Boolean Operators AND/OR, the - minus sign to exclude words, parentheses, the * asterix for truncation, plus " quotes to search for phrases.

Read is different No. 4:

because it has a "Followed KEYWORDS" feature. You're notified when new articles become available that match your keywords.

Read is different No. 5:

because of the "Followed Collections" option. Worldwide many users share their personal collections of articles. You can create your own collection or follow a collection in which you are interested.


Stay up to date on the latest medical research with our new journal app 'Read'

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Last modified:14 September 2024 2.54 p.m.
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