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Almost 100% open access achieved for UMCG publications

06 July 2022

In 2021, no less than 98% of UMCG publications were open access, see the table below. Although all forms of open access - gold (32%), hybrid (35%) and green (31%) - showed an increase, this sharp increase in the total (+19% compared to last year) is largely due to the implementation of the new open access rules of procedure, which have led to a significant growth in the share of green open access.
This trend also applies to the university as a whole.

Open access procedure rules (Taverne amendment)

Since May 2021, publications by University of Groningen/UMCG authors are automatically made available via the institutional repository (Pure) six months after the first publication in a journal or edited book. This is possible thanks to Article 25fa of the Copyright Act (also known as the Taverne amendment). Taverne gives researchers affiliated to Dutch universities the right to make their short scientific works accessible to the public after a short embargo period. For the UMCG, the Central Medical Library (CMB) is responsible for implementing the regulation.

Yet we cannot speak of a 'mission accomplished'. Each year, these numbers will have to be achieved again by applying for a budget for research proposals for gold open access and by continuing to make use of the 'publish deals' concluded with major publishers for hybrid open access.

Last modified:14 September 2024 2.54 p.m.
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