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Medical Library
Medical Library Borrow and request

Request from another library

UMCG staff and students can easily and free of charge request a book or an article from another library in the Netherlands and abroad.

How does that work exactly?

Request an article

How to request an article form another library?

1) Go to PubMed or one of our other databases

Always open PubMed via our website, only then you will see the red Get it! button at each article.

2) Found the article? Click 'Get it!'

Have you found an article? Click on the Get it! button to see if it is in our collection. If that is the case, you will normally go straight to the pdf of the article.

3) Click ‘Request from another library’

However, if the article is not available, you will enter the SmartCat screen. There you can click on the "Request from another library" button to request the article from another library.

Request from another library
4) Sign in with your:
  • UMCG account
  • or student account
    (If you have a UMCG account in addition to your student account, it is best to log in with the UMCG account)

Sign In
5) Check the request form
  • Please make sure to select 'Copy' for requesting an article or chapter
  • Are you requesting for the first time? Please enter the number of your UMCG card (backside) in the Barcode field
  • Select 'Organization': UMCG Staff (if you work at the UMCG or the medical faculty).
    Only select University of Groningen if you are a student.

    .... and click Submit Request

Do you want to request for it urgently? Please do not hesitate to contact us

Request a book

How to request a book from another library?

1) First find the book in our catalogue SmartCat

(select as a filter: Held by Libraries WorldWide)


2) Found the book?
Click 'Request from another library' button

Please note that this button only appears when the book is not available at the CMB or UB.

3) Sign in with your:
  • UMCG account
  • or student account
    (If you have a UMCG account in addition to your student account, it is always best to log in with the UMCG account)

Sign In
4) Check the request form
  • Please make sure to select 'Loan' for requesting a book and 'Copy' for a chapter
  • Are you requesting for the first time? Please enter the number of your UMCG card (backside) in the Barcode field
  • Indicate whether you would like to collect your book from the CMB or the University Library

  • Select 'Organization': UMCG Staff (if you work at the UMCG or the medical faculty).
    Only select University of Groningen if you are a student.

    .... and click Submit Request

Do you want to request for it urgently? Please do not hesitate to contact us

Frequently asked questions

I can't find the publication I'm looking for. How do I request it?

Then you can fill out the empty request form below. We will check if we can request the publication for you.

What does it cost to request an item?

Request in the Netherlands

Request from abroad

UMCG & UG staff and PhD students

Free of charge

Free of charge

RUG students

Free of charge

Free of charge

Other borrowers (e.g. AVAG, Wenckebach)

Book: € 13

Article: € 6.50

Book: at full cost price, with a minimum of € 26.50

Article: €1.20 per page, with a minimum of € 26.50

How can I submit an urgent request?

Articles are usually delivered within a few days, but sometimes it takes longer depending on where it needs to come from and how quickly that library delivers.

Do you need it quickly? Then contact us , we will request it for you urgently.

Are there any other options to get hold of the PDF of an article?

Yes there are. You can find every conceivable way here: 'How to get the PDF'

I can not log in. How can I submit a request now?

E-mail the number on your UMCG pass (on the backside) and what you need to: library

How can I see in Google Scholar whether we have an article in collection?

Activate the Get it! link in Google Scholar via:

  • Google Scholars menu
  • Settings
  • Library Links
  • Select: University of Groningen Library – Get It!

Then you will see a Get it! link next to each article in the results list

Or contact us via email library or by phone at 361 6200.

Last modified:14 September 2024 2.55 p.m.
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