Faculty of Science and Engineering
De masteropleidingen en tracks van de Faculty of Science and Engineering:
Artificial Intelligence (selective)
Quantum Universe
Science, Business and Policy
Animal and Human Behavioural Neurosciences (B-track)
Cognitive Neuroscience and Cognitive Modelling (C-track)
Molecular and Clinical Neurosciences (N-track)
Science, Business and Policy
Biomaterials Science and Engineering
Medical Device Design
Medical Imaging
Biomedical Sciences (selective)
Biology of Food and Nutrition
Biology of Cancer and Immune System
Biology of Ageing
Science, Business and Policy
Biomolecular Sciences (selective)
Chemistry (selective)
Research track
Research and Education
Science, Business and Policy
Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM) (Erasmus Mundus Programme)
AI Engineering
Machine Learning and Visual Computing
Science, Business and Policy
Software Engineering and Distributed Systems
Ecology and Evolution (selective)
Ecology and Conservation
Evolutionary Biology
Educatie: Biologie
Educatie: Informatica
Educatie: Natuurkunde
Educatie: Scheikunde
Educatie: Wiskunde
Production Technology and Logistics
Sustainable Process Engineering
Leraar Voorbereidend Hoger Onderwijs in de Bètawetenschappen
Marine Biology (selective)
Science, Business and Policy
Advanced Instrumentation
Smart Factories
Smart and Green Energy Systems
Pharmaco-epidemiology and Pharmaco-economics
Pharmaceutical Design and Engineering
Science, Business and Policy
Nanoscience (selective)
Advanced Materials
Quantum Universe
Science, Business and Policy
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 november 2024 13:34 |
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