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How to reload a manuscript to Hora Finita

Reloading a manuscript without starting a new procedure : 

Note: If the manuscript already has motivational texts accompanying assessments: please save these in a separate document before making and saving any changes (!). This is because these motivational texts to the assessments must be added back later, otherwise they are really gone!

  1. Pedel with GS combi role has the option to replace the old manuscript with the new one. Assuming the manuscript reviewers involved agree. (This request comes regularly. The procedure in HF is: reject manuscript and then resubmit. Rejecting a manuscript has too much of a negative connotation. We want to avoid that as much as possible. Therefore, we opt for replacing without rejecting).
  2. Go to the relevant PhD trajectory.
  3. First of all, turn off the mail function in the General tab. (Uncheck ‘mail enabled: mails are being sent’. Then not everyone will get mail about this. The mail messages to be sent can still be seen under the tab (below) E-mails.
  4. At the conclusion of the change, do send a mail yourself, outside HF, because the procedure has been completed.
  5. Important: Close each action with a click on the right save icon at the bottom of the page!
  6. In the Manuscript page, you can delete the old version and upload the new version.
  7. Then in the Assessment tab, you can set the reviewer's assessment to Approved. 
  8. At the end, in the Assessment tab (at the bottom under Agreed), check whether the review has been set from Rejected to Approved.
  9. And at the end of these actions check the mail function again (in the General tab).
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