Working with LGBTQIA+ youth in the child welfare system
University of Groningen Press (UGP) heeft opnieuw een boek uitgebracht van RUG-onderzoekers:
Working with LGBTQIA+ youth in the child welfare system: Perspectives from youth and professionals
door Mónica López López (Faculteit Gedrags- & Maatschappijwetenschappen, GMW), Rodrigo González Álvarez (GMW), Mijntje ten Brummelaar (GMW), Kevin R.O. van Mierlo en Leo Wieldraaijer-Vincent.
Het boek is open access beschikbaar als PDF of EPUB.

Written through a constant exchange between LGBTQIA+ young people, researchers, professionals and foster families, this book offers a valuable tool to improve the practice with LGBTQIA+ youth at a personal, organizational, and policy level.
This book shows the powerful influence of relationships and networks for the LGBTQIA+ young person growing up in child protection and welfare systems. LGBTQIA+ youth need meaningful connections with individuals within their communities in order to be able to heal, learn, and be authentically themselves.
Child welfare professionals have a crucial role in creating these connections and cultivating supportive environments, free of additional trauma, where LGBTQIA+ young people can feel valued and loved.
Audre Project Collective (alfabetische volgorde): Mijntje ten Brummelaar, Rodrigo González Álvarez, Emi Howard, Mónica López López, Gary Mallon, Samar Orwa, Natalia Pierzchawka, Bjorn Ridderbos, Charly Ros, Selena Torsius, Kevin van Mierlo, Daylano Verwer, Leo Wieldraaijer-Vincent en Skye Wijkstra
Laatst gewijzigd: | 20 september 2023 11:57 |
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