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University of Groningen Library More heritage Exhibitions Digital exhibitions Bibliotheca Italiana in Groningen


  • Bordoni, Carlo, et al. Fascismo E Politica Culturale : Arte, Letteratura E Ideologia in “Critica Fascista.” Brechtiana, 1981.

  • Guerri, Giordano Bruno. Giuseppe Bottai : Fascista. Mondadori, 1998.

  • Kingma, J, and W.R.H Koops. Kunst, Cultuur En Politiek in Italië 1920-1940 : Studies Ter Begeleiding Van Een Tentoonstelling Van Boeken En Tijdschriften Uit De Bibliotheek Van De Vereniging Dante Alighieri, Afdeling Groningen. Universiteitsbibliotheek Groningen, 1991.

  • Schnapp, Jeffrey T, et al. A Primer of Italian Fascism. University of Nebraska Press, 2000.

  • Tarquini, Alessandra, and Marissa Gemma. A History of Italian Fascist Culture, 1922–1943. University of Wisconsin Press, 2022. JSTOR, (accessed 7 Feb. 2024)

  • Tarquini, Alessandra, and Marissa Gemma. “Cultural Politics and Intellectuals in the 1940s.” A History of Italian Fascist Culture, 1922–1943, University of Wisconsin Press, 2022, pp. 155–63. JSTOR, (accessed 7 Feb. 2024)

  • Tarquini, Alessandra, and Marissa Gemma. “Intellectuals and Artists in the 1920s.” A History of Italian Fascist Culture, 1922–1943, University of Wisconsin Press, 2022, pp. 59–72. JSTOR, (accessed 7 Feb. 2024)


  • Adler, Franklin Hugh. “Jew as Bourgeois, Jew as Enemy, Jew as Victim of Fascism.” Modern Judaism, vol. 28, no. 3, 2008, pp. 306–26. JSTOR, (accessed 7 Feb. 2024).

  • Alatri, Paolo. Studi Storici, vol. 7, no. 2, 1966, pp. 418–29. JSTOR, (accessed 12 Feb. 2024).

  • D’elia, Nicola. “Giuseppe Bottai, the Racial Laws of 1938 and Italian–German Relations.” Patterns of Prejudice, vol. 55, no. 5, 2021, pp. 437–455,

  • Forno, Mauro. “Aspetti Dell’esperienza Totalitaria Fascista. Limiti e Contraddizioni Nella Gestione Del ‘Quarto Potere.’” Studi Storici, vol. 47, no. 3, 2006, pp. 781–817. JSTOR, (accessed 12 Feb. 2024).

  • Gagliardi, Alessio, and Knipe, Sergio. The Corporatism of Fascist Italy between Words and Reality = O Corporativismo Da Itália Fascista Entre Palavras E Realidade = El Corporativismo De La Italia Fascista Entre Las Palabras Y La Realidad, vol. 42, no. 2, 2016, pp. 409–429.

  • Isnenghi, Mario. “Iconografia Della Stampa Fascista.” Belfagor, vol. 32, no. 3, 1977, pp. 344–349.

  • Rafalski, Traute, and Michel Vale. “Social Planning and Corporatism: Modernization Tendencies in Italian Fascism.” International Journal of Political Economy, vol. 18, no. 1, 1988, pp. 10–64. JSTOR, (accessed 20 Feb. 2024).

  • Seroni, Adriano. “Fascismo e Riviste Letterarie Italiane Negli Anni Trenta.” Studi Storici, vol. 23, no. 3, 1982, pp. 541–54. JSTOR, (accessed 7 Feb. 2024).

  • Edward R. Tannenbaum. “The Goals of Italian Fascism.” The American Historical Review, vol. 74, no. 4, 1969, pp. 1183–204. JSTOR, (accessed 20 Feb. 2024).

  • Tarquini, Alessandra. “Fascist Educational Policy from 1922 to 1943: A Contribution to the Current Debate on Political Religions.” Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 50, no. 2, 2015, pp. 168–87. JSTOR, (accessed 7 Feb. 2024).




This digital exhibition was curated by F. Urciullo, for her internship at the Special Collections Department. The internship is part of the MA in Literary Studies, Writing, Editing, and Mediating (WEM) at the University of Groningen.

Last modified:12 July 2024 11.54 a.m.