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Physical exhibitions University Library

Reading for Resilience

Meditation and the Book in Early Modern Europe

(until August 2024)

Mindfulness and meditation are often advertised as exciting new techniques for countering stress and feelings of burnout caused by modern life. This exhibition shows that meditational practices were part of daily far before our 21st Century. Europe has an important textual and practical heritage of religious meditation teaching (lay) readers to turn inward, take care of their souls, and be energised by contact with the divine.

Already in the Early Modern Period, meditation was a strategy to build resilience to cope with the hardships and challenges of life. In a shared effort, researchers of the research projects “Cities of Readers” (University of Groningen) and “Spiritual Intermediality in the Early Modern Period” (University of Hamburg, DFG FOR 5138) examine the practice of meditation and the medium book in early modern society.

The books on display here are examples of various meditation exercises that take their inspiration mostly from the Christian religion but also secular sources. The traces of reading and use which can be seen in some of the books, demonstrate that while meditation was guided by reading text, it is also a performative practice during which humans interacted with the book as an object. Reading is an activity enhanced by the font, the size and even the haptics of the books.

As such these books from the Special Collections of the University of Groningen Library are reflections of this rich heritage and how early modern humans dealt with emotional regulation when confronted with death, sickness, wars, floods, fires, or the stress of daily life.

Previous exhibitions

De mens gaf alle dieren een naam: natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek in de UB in Groningen (1816-1820)
Published on:04 June 2024

Van 1816 tot 1820 studeerden twee jonge natuurwetenschappers in Groningen onder professor van Swinderen. Tweehonderd jaar geleden, om precies te zijn op 8 september 1823, overleed een van hen, Johan Conrad van Hasselt, op Java. Twee jaar eerder, op 14 september 1821, was de andere, Heinrich Kuhl, daar ook overleden. Er zijn sporen van deze jonge natuuronderzoekers terug te vinden in de UB van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Niet alleen publicaties van hun hand en publicaties over hun leven en werk, maar ook gebruikssporen in verschillende natuurwetenschappelijke werken. Deze tentoonstelling werpt nieuw licht op de studietijd van Kuhl en Van Hasselt aan de hand van de collectie van de UB. Lees meer over ze in dit blog.

Arab Orthodox Christians, Nationalism and the ‘Holy Land’
Published on:19 January 2023

During the turbulence of the period after the First World War, Dutch photographer Frank Scholten (1881-1942) travelled to Palestine with the aim of producing an ‘illustrated Bible’. He travelled first through Italy and Greece in 1920, arriving in Palestine in 1921 where he would stay for two years. While the bulk of his photo collection is images of Palestine, his camera lens gives us a snapshot into modernity in the Eastern Mediterranean, particularly amongst Christian communities.

Wim Koops (1925)
Published on:12 December 2022

Until February 1st, 2023, books from the Koops collection were on display in the hallways of the University Library. The books are from the estate of the art lover and book collector Wim Koops, who was the head librarian of the UB until 1990. Over the past couple of years, Koops has been donating parts of his sizeable collection to the UB. As of now, the Koops Collection contains more than 6000 printed works. One book from each year between 1925 and now, representing Koops’ life and legacy, has been specially selected for its noteworthy content or design.

Tentoonstelling De Groninger Academie & Groningens Ontzet
From:Fr 24-06-2022
Until:Su 30-10-2022
Where:Universiteitsbibliotheek Binnenstad, trappenhuis 3e verdieping
Het drukkersexperiment, Groninger margedrukwerk uit eigen collectie
Published on:18 January 2022

In deze tentoonstelling wordt een selectie getoond uit het werk van vier Groninger margedrukkers. Het werk van Elze ter Harkel, Marlies Louwes, Dick Ronner en Hester Verkruissen geeft een goed beeld van het gevarieerde drukwerk dat in Groningen gemaakt én verzameld wordt.

Universiteitsbibliotheek Binnenstad
Vrijdag 21 januari t/m zondag 3 april 2022

News Depicted: Frontispieces of the Journal Europische Mercurius (1690-1750)
Published on:21 November 2021

In the modest exhibition News Depicted, a selection of beautiful frontispieces from the journal Europische Mercurius was in the spotlight. These frontispieces were created by renowned artists such as Jan Luyken and Jan Goeree. All exhibited journals and books belong to the Special Collections of the Groningen University Library.

University Library City Centre
Friday, November 26, 2021 to Sunday, January 9, 2022

Mussengang: student life drawn
Published on:07 September 2021

Bert Cornelius was world-famous in Groningen for illustrating the Mussengang serial, which appeared on the back cover of UKrant every week from August 1984 until June 1995. This exhibition presents a selection of 40 Mussengang illustrations. We have chosen the most beautiful, most controversial, and most characteristic illustrations, but this selection represents only a fraction of Cornelius’ vast oeuvre.

University Library City Centre, Friday 17 September - Thursday 16 December 2021

‘Passion for collecting’ exhibition: a century of Dutch picture books from our private collection (1920-2020)
Published on:29 September 2020

The exhibition entitled Passion for collecting, a century of Dutch picture books from our private collection (1920-2020) showcased a selection of picture books published in the Netherlands over the last hundred years that have been added to the Library’s collection.

University of Groningen Library City Centre
Thursday 8 October 2020 through Sunday 28 November 2021

UB405: Historical photos
Published on:04 March 2020

An exhibition of beautiful photos from yesteryear, including the old lending department, the cast iron book repositories in the Zwanestraat, the famous ‘Leiden booklets’ catalogue, subject librarians and their stacks of books among the archives!

Lost & Found, 2020 edition
Published on:04 March 2020

In 2019, the University Library organized Lost & Found, a much talked-about exhibition of all items found in the Library in 2018. Since then, we have already filled dozens more boxes of items, so it’s time for a new exhibition.

Tentoonstelling: Wim Crouwel, grafische vormgeving een noodzaak
Published on:15 November 2019

In de tentoonstelling Grafische vormgeving een noodzaak, Wim Crouwel 1928-2019 staat een prachtige selectie boeken, brochures en affiches in de schijnwerpers die de grootmeester van de Nederlandse naoorlogse vormgeving, Wim Crouwel, heeft ontworpen. Crouwel is in Groningen geboren en opgegroeid, en kreeg op academie Minerva zijn opleiding. De vernieuwing die kunstenaarsvereniging De Ploeg bracht maakte een diepe indruk op hem.

Exhibition: Beacons in the landscape, 50 years of struggle to save Groningen’s historic churches
Published on:15 November 2019

Groningen’s Historic Churches Foundation celebrates its fiftieth anniversary this year. Founded in 1969 to preserve old churches, it is now an indispensable institution in and around Groningen. The University Library is marking the anniversary by showing selected works and publications by the Foundation from its own collections.

Honger naar kennis, het belang van boeken voor de vrouwenbeweging
Published on:29 May 2019

In de tentoonstelling staat een prachtige selectie geëngageerde boeken en brochures in de schijnwerpers die tijdens de eerste feministische golf (1870-1920) in Nederland zijn verschenen. Deze werden vaak voor en door vrouwen geschreven.

Vrouwenkiesrecht was een belangrijk thema in de boeken en brochures. Een groeiend aantal vrouwen las deze literatuur gretig om hun horizon te verbreden, kennis te ontwikkelen en beroepsmogelijkheden te vergroten.

25 Jaar lezingenserie Spraakmakende Boeken
Published on:29 March 2019

Al 25 jaar organiseert de Faculteit der Letteren van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen elk jaar zeven lezingen over literatuur voor een breed publiek: de serie Spraakmakende Boeken. Op vaste avonden wordt een literair werk besproken dat op het moment sterk in de belangstelling staat. Vooraanstaande specialisten, veelal verbonden aan de Faculteit der Letteren, verzorgen deze lezingen.
Vanwege het vijfde lustrum zetten de Universiteitsbibliotheek en Faculteit der Letteren nu een prachtige selectie boeken in de schijnwerpers die in de afgelopen kwart eeuw zijn besproken.
Vrijdag 5 april t/m woensdag 15 mei 2019

Exhibition: Groninger Vrouwengalerij
Published on:28 February 2019

The Groninger Vrouwengalerij is a portrait gallery created by De Verhalen van Groningen (Stories of Groningen) which tells the stories of 50 remarkable women from Groningen’s past, both online and in person. Among other things, this gallery will be touring the province of Groningen in the form of an exhibition. First stop: the University Library City Centre in Groningen.

Lost & Found: orphaned objects from the UB City Centre
Published on:15 February 2019

Every day, our internal services staff and the cleaning staff of the University Library City Centre come upon dozens of objects, left behind by the library users. Our reception staff have saved all objects found in the year 2018.

Books as works of art
Published on:12 September 2018

From September 21 2018 till February 10 2019 the Unversity Library City Centre showed a selection of artists’ books from the years 1960–1980. The books were groundbreaking at that time and have remained important afterwards.

Tentoonstelling: De Ploeg gedrukt
Published on:06 March 2018

Van 23 maart t/m 1 september 2018 waren in de UB Binnenstad aan de Broerstraat tientallen werken van De Ploeg te zien.

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