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About us Faculty of Arts Study at our Faculty International Relations and International Organization Step-by-Step Guide Application and Registration Master International Relations

Step 6 - Introduction meeting / Getting started

Introduction Meeting

The Introduction Meeting for the Pre-Master's programme IRIO will take place on Tuesday 27 August 2024.

3 - 4 p.m.
Introduction meeting

Geerstemazaal, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5

Drinks with Clio

Please make sure you can attend the introduction meeting. During the introduction meeting the coordinator will explain the programme in more detail, and there will also be plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

Study Association Clio will also be present during the introduction meeting to introduce themselves and their activities for (pre-)master students, and Clio organizes the drinks after, to which you are all invited!

Getting Started

Before you start in September it is important that you check all these ‘to do’ points, and read all the information to be fully prepared:

Introduction to computer systems

The University of Groningen uses a number of digital information- and communication systems, of which it is important for you to become familiar with. In case you have questions, or need help (for example because you lost your password), please check the website of the CIT Service Desk.

The most important digital systems are:

Student Portal

On the Student Portal you can find all the information you need as a student:

  • Today: News and announcements from the UG, faculty and your study programme, useful widgets (like 'RUG tools') and an overview of the courses you are enrolled for.

  • Study Info: The Online Study Guide with all relevant information about your study programme and studying at the faculty.
  • Career: Information about doing a placement and how to prepare for the job market.


The electronic learning environment with all the information of your courses.


Online Course Catalogue: an overview of all programmes and course modules offered by the UG.


Overview of the times and locations of your classes and exams.


Overview of your study results, enrolment for courses.

Google apps for education

Student Mail and other applications.

The Student Portal is an important website during your time at the university, so please ensure you understand how it works and know where to find the information you need. If you have a question or you are looking for information about your degree programme? Check the Online Study Guide of your programme first!

Watch this video to get to know the Student Portal!

Good luck in your studies!

Last modified:15 July 2024 11.30 a.m.