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About us Faculty of Arts Study at our Faculty Bachelor



Bachelor's degrees from the Faculty of Arts consist of two components: a Major and a Minor. During your Major you follow courses of the curriculum of your degree programme. A Minor is a coherent set of courses that support you in your next career step: the choice of a specific Master’s degree programme or access to the labour market. A Minor comprises 30 ECTS. You will follow a Minor in the first semester of your third year (semester 5).

To help students choose a Minor, the Faculty of Arts organizes two Information Fairs about the different Minors each year. More information about the information events and a complete overview of the Minor-information is available to UG students on Student Portal (login required).

Minor choices

Career Minor

For whom?

The Career Minor is open to students of all faculties of the RUG.


The Career Minor is a minor that prepares you for the labor market and aims to increase your employability. It offers an integrated, multidisciplinary and interactive programme with training sessions, workshops, guest speakers, excursions and assignments that prepare you for working in practice.

In addition, you choose a social theme that matches your interests, study background or future wishes. You can also choose a theme because it provides you with a "perspective" outside the "comfort zone" of your own study background. You conclude the minor with an internship or a concrete assignment from the government, the business community or NGOs on which you work in an interdisciplinary team.


The minor starts with a personality test, and an individual interview with a “trainer” to strengthen the students comprehension and to determine their personal learning objectives for the minor. Students will learn how to apply their knowledge in practical settings, will further develop their talents and will acquire relevant knowledge and skills. This minor sets the focus on skill development and learning from professionals (as opposed to the focus on academic literature enforced in the students' regular study programme).

This challenging programme includes meeting experts from the field, completing practical assignments and going on trips, as well as learning how to apply for a job, how to network, negotiate, make project plans, engage in entrepreneurial thinking, compose policy advice, work in teams and much more.

Teacher-training Minor

This Minor offers you the opportunity to see if teaching is something for you. You can use the knowledge you have acquired so far in a practical and meaningful way. You can take the Teacher Training Minor for the following school subjects: Dutch, German, French, Spanish, English, Frisian, Greek and Latin, History and Information Science. To be allowed to do this Minor, you must follow the right Bachelor's degree programme. Find out whether you are admissible.

Important to know

  • The Teacher Training Minor is only offered in Dutch. To participate you need to be able to communicate at NT2.2 level!
  • The application deadline for the Teacher-training Minor is 1 June.
  • Due to the large number of applications for the Teacher Training Minor in English and History students of these study programmes should send a motivation letter to the study adviser before 30 April via toelatingscommissie.lerarenopleiding

Faculty Minor


In a way, a faculty minor resembles the university minor: you broaden your horizons by taking a look at a different field of science, albeit that these faculty minors are all taught at the Faculty of Arts. The faculty minor can serve to facilitate the transfer to another master of the Faculty of Arts (also as a pre-master after your bachelor). The Faculty of Arts broadens your view by introducing you to another field within the humanities.

For whom?

Some Faculty Minors are only open to students of the Faculty of Arts, but the majority is (unless indicated otherwise and in case of sufficient capacity) open to students from other faculties of the UG and even other universities in the Netherlands. Below you can find a list of these Faculty Minors:

  • American Studies (English)
  • Arts, Cognition & Criticism (English)
  • Arts, Policy and Cultural Entrepreneurship (English)
  • Classics and Ancient Civilizations (English)
  • Communication and Information Studies (English)
  • Digital Humanities (English) (Note: only accessible for students from the Faculties of Arts, Philosophy and Religion, Culture and Society at the UG)
  • English Studies (English)
  • Film and Contemporary Audiovisual Media (English)
  • Frisian Language and Culture (Dutch/Frysk/English)
  • History of Art, Architecture & Landscape (English)
  • History in a Global Perspective (Dutch/English) (Note: only accessible for students from Arts/Humanities faculties in the Netherlands)
  • International Relations (English)
  • Journalism (Dutch/English)
  • Linguistics (English) / Vertalen (Dutch)
  • Media Studies (English)
  • Middle Eastern Studies (Dutch)
  • Music, Theatre and Performance Studies (English)

Faculty of Arts students can find a complete overview of all Faculty Minors on Student Portal (login required).

Note: The above-mentioned minors can serve as a pre-master programme for the Master’s programme in the relevant study programme, but admission is not guaranteed. In many cases your admission needs to be approved by the admissions board. For more information about the minor and/or access to the Master’s programme, please contact minor.arts and/or the study adviser of the study programme in question.

Minor Abroad

For whom?

The Minor Abroad is open to students of the Faculty of Arts. Please note: a study abroad programme is embedded in the second year of the Middle Eastern Studies programme, so going abroad during the minor is not an option for these students.


The Minor Abroad offers you the opportunity to study abroad for one semester. The Faculty of Arts has numerous contracts with universities within and outside the EU, where you can improve your knowledge of your field.


A semester abroad can be a valuable experience: you get acqainted with the culture of your host country as well as a different academic culture. You follow courses taught from a different perspective and it can be an advantage for the international labour market.

University Minor

For whom?

The University Minor is open to students of all faculties of the RUG.


The Faculty of Arts offers the following University Minors:


A University Minor introduces you to a different academic field and helps you gain an understanding of the knowledge, methodologies and applications used there. You gain a broader perspective and look beyond your own study programme to see how other fields think and work.



It is possible to complement your Career Minor with a placement or you can choose to do a study related placement of 15 ECTS and combine this with a package of 15 ECTS from a University or Faculty Minor. You will need to find a placement yourself.

For whom?

The Career Minor placement is open to students of all faculties of the RUG. The Minor Placement is open for students of the Faculty of Arts and for the following study programmes:

  • American Studies
  • Archaeology
  • Art History
  • Arts, Culture and Media
  • Classical Studies
  • Communication and Information Studies
  • English Language and Culture
  • European Languages and Cultures
  • History
  • International Relations and International Organizations
  • Linguistics
  • Media Studies
  • Middle Eastern Studies
  • Minorities & Multilingualism
  • Dutch Language & Culture


With a placement you gain work experience, learn how to familiarize yourself with an organization and its present culture and you discover how your skills fit in.

Enrolling for the Minor



Enrolling in a Minor for September 2025 is possible via Progress from 23 May - 4 July 2025. You also have to enrol in the individual courses belonging to the Minor. This is possible between 16 June - 4 July 2025.

Enrolling in the Minor and courses is obligatory, except:

  • For the Career Minor, where enrolment in the Theme course suffices.
  • If you are selected for the Minor Abroad. Only if you are a language student, you need to enrol in the Advanced Proficiency course corresponding to your major language.


Via Progress in two steps:
1. Enrolment in the Minor: from 23 May (midnight) - 4 July (midnight): (Don’t wait too long, the capacity for Minors can be limited!)
2. Enrolment in the individual courses belonging to the Minor: from 16 June up and until 4 July (midnight)

Keep in mind:

  • In Progress go to > “Enrolling” > “Minors” > “Arts” > and choose the Minor you would like to do.
  • The enrolment procedure for the Teacher Training Minor deviates: you need to apply before 1 June and for some programmes a motivation letter needs to be send in before 30 April.
  • Other faculties may have a different course registration period.
  • You need to enrol in a Faculty Minor or University Minor as well to complete the additional 15 ECTS of your Minor if you choose the Placement in your Minor.


Contact the Office for Student Affairs.

Last modified:27 March 2025 11.55 a.m.
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