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Expertisecentrum In the LEAD
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Expertisecentrum In the LEAD Blog
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Impact case: Leadership in turbulent times

Datum:18 juli 2024
Professors Janka Stoker and Harry Garretsen during a live recording of their podcast
Professors Janka Stoker and Harry Garretsen during a live recording of their podcast

In the last couple of years, the Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB, of which Centre of Expertise In the LEAD is part) has decided to measure research performance by assessing the societal impact of research. To this cause, they established so-called Impact cases: ongoing research and public outreach initiatives that have had considerable impact over de last couple of years and have thus received rewards (in the form of either research time or funds) from the Faculty Board. The research on leadership by Professors Harry Garretsen and Janka Stoker is one of the five Impact cases that has been rewarded by FEB's Faculty Board.

Professors Harry Garretsen and Janka Stoker reach large and diverse audiences with their expertise and research on leadership. In 2018, their first Dutch book ‘Goede leiders zweven niet’ (translates to English as: ‘Good leaders don’t levitate’) was published. They were then also asked to become columnists at Het Financieele Dagblad (the Dutch Financial Times). These columns formed the basis of their second book, written for managers, policymakers and the general public, called ‘Goede leiders in onzekere tijden’ (Good leaders in turbulent times). This book, published in 2022, got lot of attention in the Dutch media, and was the reason to start a podcast on leadership in uncertain times. Till now they have mainly focused on Dutch audiences, but they are branching out to reach an international audience, as an English book is also in the making.

Read more about Garretsen and Stoker's Impact Case.

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