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Centre of expertise HRM&OB
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre of expertise Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour (HRM&OB) Joint research

Practice and theory

Do science and entrepreneurship go together?
We think they do.

We, HRM&OB Centre of Expertise, are experienced and adept at conducting scientific research and we feed our results back to you in a clear and transparent way. Wherever it is possible and advisable, we join forces in carrying out appropriate actions and interventions in collaboration. If you make use of our skills and expertise, we will optimise the situation on your shop floor in collaboration with you.

It's a win-win situation.

It is our ambition to create a fruitful interaction between science and practice. Therefore, we'd like to tackle your issues using a scientific approach. We are interested in the issues within your organisation and would be happy to make our scientific knowledge available to solve them. By conducting research into the causes and effects of behaviour within your organisation, we can provide sound advice to you as well as widen our own understanding. Thus, together we benefit from the advantages which scientific research and transfer of knowledge offer.

Our centre of expertise disposes of the knowledge and skills of a great many professors and internationally renowned researchers, who are specialised in, among other things, optimising team performance and improving human resources policies. In cooperation with you, they will analyse the conditions within your company and identify those solutions and strategies which add value to your organisation. Due to their ample experience with conducting scientific research within organisation settings, they are able to furnish intervention and management solutions. In this way, we contribute to the future of your company. Co-creation - in cooperation with you.

Curious to know what options there are? Have a look at what we have to offer and take advantage of our expert knowledge. In that way, we cooperate in reinforcing the relation between science and operational practice.

Last modified:12 October 2018 09.21 a.m.
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