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Colloquium: Kim Peters and Miquel Fonseca

Datum:09 september 2018
Auteur:Secretariaat HRM & OB
Colloquium: Kim Peters and Miquel Fonseca
Colloquium: Kim Peters and Miquel Fonseca


Speakers: Kim Peters (Queensland University, Australia) and Miquel Fonseca (Exeter University, UK)

Date: Thursday, September 20, 2018

Time: 10.30

Location: 5419.0111 (Kapteynborg)

Title & Abstract: 

Kim Peters: 

I follow, therefore I lead

In this paper I will discuss evidence from a longitudinal study among recruit commandos in the Royal Marines that individuals who identify as followers may be especially likely to be recognized as leaders by their peers. 


Miguel Fonseca:

Using Norms and Monetary Incentives to Change Behavior: A Field Experiment

Using a two-day field experiment on punctual attendance, I investigate whether social information about behavior affects the effectiveness of financial incentives. The experiment varies both monetary incentives and social information in a 3x3 design. Combining social information with incentives that target the behavior of the minority yields the greatest benefit.

Tags: Colloquium