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Centre of expertise HRM&OB
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre of expertise Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour (HRM&OB)

Centre of expertise Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour

Scientific pillars underpinning strategic organisational decisions

As Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour (HRM&OB) Centre of Expertise, we link scientific research to questions asked by the business community. Do you want to know how your organisation can continue to be innovative, creative and competitive?

Co-creation – working with you

We work on a not-for-profit basis and our focus is on providing your strategic decisions with a scientific foundation. With our expertise in, among other things, leadership research and ethics we analyse what HRM strategies fit with your ambitions and in what way you can get the best out of a diversified team.

Interested in working with us? Feel free to contact us.


  • 11 January 2024 - Onne Janssen

    The Dark Side of Passion: How to Protect Workers from Exploitation

    Some workers stand out for their passion, generosity, loyalty, or heroism. Passion is the enthusiasm and excitement for one’s work, often driven by intrinsic motivation and personal interest. Passionate workers love and excel at their work, finding meaning...

  • 11 December 2023 - Burkhard Wörtler

    Why mandate a return to the office? Evidence shows the benefits of flexible work arrangements

    Flexible work arrangements that allow employees to work remotely several days a week have gained significant momentum in recent years, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Noticeably, organizations are increasingly demanding a return to the office [1]....

  • 07 December 2023 - Janka Stoker

    De hardnekkige discriminatie op de arbeidsmarkt

    Er is iets vreemds aan de hand op de arbeidsmarkt. Sinds eind 2021 hebben we in Nederland meer vacatures dan werklozen (CBS, 2023). In 2019, het laatste jaar voor het uitbreken van de coronapandemie, was die situatie nog omgekeerd: toen waren er slechts 67...

  • 05 December 2023 - Bernard Nijstad

    Does coffee help people to get through a tough day at the office?

    I started wondering about the effects of coffee on my “state of being” when I had a few bad nights and was trying to concentrate on my work, nonetheless. Concentration became markedly easier after I had two coffees; at least, that was my impression. It was...

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Using creativity
Internal and external regulation of top management decisions
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