Offices Academy Complex

The departments of University Services, location City Center are mainly accommodated in and around the Academy Complex, between Broerstraat, Oude Boteringestraat, Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat and Muurstraat. The first renovations were the Academy restaurant, the Garden Wing/'Tuinvleugel' and the building at the Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 41. Next came the change to the office areas. The new Westvleugel and routing hubs have been in use for some time now. The next projects will be the Bestuursgebouw and offices in the Muurstraat.
✔ modernized offices
✔ more conference rooms
✔ more meeting places
✔ better routing for visitors
✔ better technology and more sustainable solutions
More project information is available on Intranet of University Services (staff login)
Completed - Westvleugel and routing hubs:
Last modified: | 01 September 2023 1.41 p.m. |