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Groundbreaking Work
@University of Groningen
Groundbreaking Work News

A new era of education: Anda Kerkhoven Centre has opened its doors

03 September 2024

As of 2 September, the Anda Kerkhoven Centre of the University of Groningen (UG) is being used for education. The new building accommodates more than 2,000 students and staff. Pharmacy and medicine students in particular will attend their lectures here.

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Students are being welcomed in the building

The Anda Kerkhoven Centre will be built next to ERIBA building, near the UMCG's Proton Therapy Centre and is part of the Healthy Ageing Campus. The north side of the Healthy Ageing Campus will be a vibrant, sustainable and welcoming urban environment for education, research, culture, sports and leisure.

The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and the Faculty of Science and Engineering enthusiastically welcomed the first students and teachers at the start of the new academic year in their brand new building.

Set foot in the building and see how sustainability has been integrated. It has solar panels, green rooftops and rainwater is captured for toilet flushing. The new education building is named after Anda Kerkhoven, a Groningen resistance heroine and medicine student in World War II. The naming of this building commemorates her courage and ideals.

Supporting active learning
The education areas encourage collaboration and engagement, with flexible spaces and advanced tools that enable interactive teaching. In addition, the Anda Kerkhoven Centre offers versatile study spaces. And with various social corners, there is always a perfect place to catch up with fellow students between classes.

Healthy Ageing
Our campus is all about Healthy Ageing. Here, researchers, entrepreneurs and government entities work together on innovative projects. This vibrant place ensures progress in the field of health and well-being. Together, we are working towards a future where everyone can live healthier and longer.

Official opening 
On 25 October 2024, the building will be officially opened.

Want to know all about the building, its sustainability features and who Anda Kerkhoven was?

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Last modified:03 September 2024 11.27 a.m.
View this page in: Nederlands

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