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Previous members

Click below for more information about the members and what they would like to achieve with YESS BSS.

Laura Baams (Pedagogy and Educational Sciences: Youth Studies)

Name: Laura Baams

Department: Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, Youth Studies

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: Mental health of LGBTQ youth in a social context

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? January 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? With YESS BSS, I aim to gain a better understanding of the policies and regulations in the faculty, the pros and cons, and whether they benefit a diverse group of early career researchers. I am a board member of YESS BSS and chair the working group on the Tenure Track.


Project/personal website:

Laura F. Bringmann (Psychology: Psychometrics and Statistics)

Name: Laura F. Bringmann

Department: Psychology (Psychometrics and statistics)

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: My main interests are time series analyses, dynamical networks, ESM in clinical practice, and philosophy of psychology.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? Founding member, 2018

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? My most important goal with the YESS BSS is to give early career researchers at our faculty a voice in the faculty and university policy. I focus here on both tenure track and non-tenure track early career staff. I work in the tenure track, the non-tenure track, and the visibility working groups and I am the current chair of YESS BSS.


Project/personal website:



Jasperina Brouwer (Pedagogy and Educational Sciences)

Name: Jasperina Brouwer

Department: Educational Sciences

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: My research is focused on the impact of social networks and social capital on academic and professional development within the educational context and at the workplace

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? It is important that early career researchers get the opportunities to develop themselves. The questions arise (1) how early career researchers can pursuit an academic career and (2) how they can be agents of their own development (and not depending on “in the right place at the right time”)? Equal opportunities is an important topic on the agenda of YESS BSS. To promote this, I am joining the non-tenure track working group and the diversity working group.


Maaike C. Engels (Sociology)

Name: Maaike C. Engels

Department: Sociology

Position (postdoc/assistant professor/associate professor): Postdoc

Current research: My research focuses on the role of peer relationships, teacher-student relationships, and their interplay in shaping adolescents’ academic development.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? January, 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? With YESS BSS, I aim to connect early career researchers and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration among them within the faculty. As an ‘engagement scholar’, I am also interested in the current stress levels in academia. My aim is to promote policies that endorse an enduring positive work climate for researchers.


Project/personal website:

Twitter: @_MCEngels


Vera E. Heininga (Psychology: Developmental Psychology)

Name: Vera E. Heininga

Department: Developmental Psychology

Position: Interdisciplinary postdoc

Current research: I combine insights from psychology, sociology, pedagogics, educational science, and psychometrics to investigate the role of positive emotion dynamics (i.e., patterns and regularities with which positive emotions change over time) in relation to mental health, wellbeing, and mood disorders.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? January 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? I aim for more accessible and reproducible research within the BSS faculty and beyond by 1) Connecting Open Science enthusiasts and uniting current Open Science initiatives; 2) Organizing workshops, lectures, and developing tools that facilitate Open Science Practices; and 3) Stimulating responsible research practices (e.g., proper data management) and Open Science policies. I was involved in the working group that organized the first YESS BSS network meeting in which personnel policy was discussed with the dean, the working group Tenure Track, and currently the chair of the working group Open Science.


Project/personal website:



Rink Hoekstra (Educational sciences)

Name: Rink Hoekstra

Department: Educational sciences

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: I study how researchers come to conclusions when analyzing data, with a particular interest in the role of the scientific system including its incentive structure

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? January 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? Science is in a credibility crisis, and one of the ways out is to embrace open science practices. This is easier said than done, especially in an environment in which this is not standard practice, and sometimes even actively discouraged. I think the YESS BSS can be a nice platform to make Open Science more mainstream, and to support many early career researchers who are interested in Open Science, but who don’t know where to start.


Twitter: @RinkHoekstra

Anne H. van Hoogmoed (Inclusive and Special Needs Education)

Name: Anne H. van Hoogmoed

Department: Inclusive and Special Needs Education

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: My research concerns the development of numeracy and mathematics in typically developing children and children with mathematical learning disability.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? September 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? Within the YESS BSS I hope to promote collaboration within the faculty. Moreover, I hope to find solutions for the stress encountered by many young scientists by getting more insight in policy and proposing ways to support young scientists. I am a member of the workings groups on Visibility and Stress in academia.




Anita Keller (Psychology: Organizational Psychology)

Name: Anita Keller

Department: Psychology (Organizational Psychology)

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: My research focuses on well-being/stress at work and career development and I’m particularly interested in understanding how work experiences, self-regulation, performance, and well-being interact with each other over time.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? September 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? I hope to contribute to the well-being of employees at our faculty by sharing knowledge about relevant organizational factors that lead to stress. We will organize specific events to tackle stress in academia and I aim to contribute to the ongoing discussions about policies, regulations, and available resources in the hope to positively shape future policies. I am a member of the tenure track and team incentive working groups, and I chair the working group on stress in academia.


Project/personal website:

Namkje Koudenburg (Psychology)

Name: Namkje Koudenburg

Department: Psychology

Position: Associate professor

Current research: Ik onderzoek de invloed van maatschappelijke polarisatie op alledaagse communicatie en omgekeerd: hoe alledaagse communicatie bij kan dragen aan maatschappelijke polarisatie en verandering.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? January 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? The recent vision statement outlined by the Dutch public knowledge institutions and funders of research (VSNU, NFU, ZonMW, KNAW and NWO) set ambitious goals for increasing diversity and cooperation within science. But how are we going to implement such structural changes? I hope to be able to contribute to the implementation of changes regarding diversity and team science in the faculty of behavioural and social sciences. To attain these goals, I am part of the working groups on diversity and the tenure track policy, and I chair the working group on team rewards.


Twitter: @koudenburg

Tina Kretschmer (Pedagogy and Educational Sciences)

Name: Tina Kretschmer

Department: Pedagogy and Educational Sciencess

Position: Associate Professor

Current research: My work focuses on the interplay of genetic and environmental determinants of social development across the lifespan. I mostly work with longitudinal, partly intergenerational and genetically-informed cohorts to understand why some individuals thrive socially and others don’t.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? Founding member, 2018

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? I want to make sure that early career researchers get the best support possible to launch their careers and are taken serious as an important group in the faculty. At the moment I am part of the working groups on reward structures and the tenure track.


Project/personal website:

Twitter: DocTinaK

Miriam J.J. Lommen (Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology)

Name: Miriam J.J. Lommen

Department: Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: With my research I aim to understand what makes people vulnerable to develop posttraumatic stress disorder and gain insight in mechanisms involved in anxiety psychopathology

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? September 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? I hope to get more insight in policies concerning tenure track and fight for opportunities for young researchers. Furthermore, as YESS BSS member I am enthusiastic to help facilitate valorization of research to different types of public.



Evelien Mulder (Pedagogy and Educational Science)

Name: Evelien Mulder

Department: Pedagogy and Educational Science

Position: Assistant Professor

Current research: I examine how language education can be as inclusive as possible: how can we value talents and tend to the needs of diverse children with regard to their language development?

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? September 2021

What you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups you participate in? I co-chair the Diversity & Inclusion group and am a member of the Career Perspectives group and the Visibility group. My aim is to create a good working environment and visibility for ECRs.



Susan Niessen (Psychology)

Name: Susan Niessen

Department: Psychology

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: I study validity and fairness in selection procedures, currently I mainly focus on test-use and decision-making based on assessments in hiring-and admission procedures.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? 1 September 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? I hope to encourage the visibility of the research and ideas of early career researchers at our faculty. I am mainly interested in valorization/knowledge utilization and policy, and I am the chair of the non-tenure track career policy group.


Verena Seibel (Sociology)

Department: Sociology

Name: Verena Seibel

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: I study migrant populations and their integration processes within European welfare states, focusing on their welfare attitudes, social networks, but also structural integration.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? 1 September 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? Within the scope of YESS BSS I aim to get better insights into the working conditions of early career researchers and the challenges they might face. I focus thereby particularly on diversity and equality issues, but am also interested in general approaches to improve the quality of work within the BSS Faculty. I am currently chairing the working group Diversity and am a member of the working group Stress in academia.


Project/personal website:

Twitter: @VerenaSeibel


Gert Stulp (Sociology)

Department: Sociology

Name: Gert Stulp

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: My research is about individual and social determinants of the variation in the number of children people want and have.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? Founding member, 2018

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? With YESS BSS I hope to get some more clarity on the pros and cons of the tenure track system at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences to be better able to shape future policies. I’d also like to contribute to the uptake of Open Science practices in research and education. I am currently involved in the working group on Open Science and the working group on the Tenure Track.


Project/personal website:

Twitter: Gert_Stulp_or_G

Charlotte Vrijen (Pedagogy and Educational Sciences)

Name: Charlotte Vrijen

Department: Pedagogy and Educational Sciences

Position: Postdoc

Current research: My research is about adolescent peer experiences and how these are transmitted across contexts and across generations (CAPE project).

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? 1 September 2019

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups do you participate in? With YESS BSS I hope to facilitate the exchange of ideas and cooperation among early career staff, for example with respect to incorporating Open Science practices in research and education. I am also interested in Faculty policy and making early career staff be heard. I am currently involved in the working groups on Open Science and Visibility.


Project/personal website:



Last modified:18 April 2023 9.52 p.m.
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