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Current members

Click below for more information about the members and what they would like to achieve with YESS BSS.

Thijs Bouman (Psychology: Environmental Psychology)

Name: Thijs Bouman

Department: Environmental Psychology

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: I research personal and social factors that motivate individuals’ responses to global crises; in particular, how (perceived) values affect climate action.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? September 2021

What you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups you participate in? At the moment, I am involved in the working groups “Funding Opportunities and Team Science” and “Stress in Academia”. With YESS BSS, I hope to encourage collaborations between young academics, for instance on research projects and proposals, and thereby improve their career opportunities.  


Project/personal website:,



Laura Cuijpers (Psychology: Developmental Psychology)

Name: Laura Cuijpers

Department: Developmental Psychology

Position: Assistant Professor Resilience in Youth

Current research: I aim to integrate psychology and movement sciences to study wellbeing through movement from a dynamical systems perspective in embodied naturalistic tasks.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? September 2021

What you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups you participate in? I chair the Career Perspectives - and partake in the Team Science & Funding and Diversity & Inclusion working groups. I aspire to create an academic environment that fosters discussion and invites exploration. I am committed to support ECR’s to navigate the often uncertain times that this career phase brings.


Project/personal website:



Anja Ernst (Psychometrics & Statistics)

Ernst, A.F., PhD

A.F. (Anja) Ernst, PhD

Department: Psychometrics & Statistics

Position: Assistant Professor

Current research: I currently study how to analyze intensive longitudinal data. Particularly, I am interested in formulating statistical models that describe the between-individual and within-individual differences that are present in such data.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? September 2022

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and the working groups you participate in? I am passionate about promoting good research practices as well as open and reproducible science. I joined YESS BSS to apply my methodological know-how to discussions on research practices within the faculty.

Personal info, including:

Mepa Project/personal website:

Vincenz Frey (Sociology)

Name: Vincenz Frey

Department: Sociology

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: I investigate (1) network processes in relation to trust and cooperation and (2) conditions of social influence and its consequences for individuals’ beliefs, collective intelligence, and social polarization.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? September 2021

What you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups you participate in? As a member of YESS BSS I hope to gain a better knowledge of funding opportunities relevant to early-carreer social scientists and to contribute to the sharing of this knowledge within our faculty. In addition, I want to represent the interests of the many non-tenure-track researchers that have recently been appointed at our faculty and I hope to contribute to the development and formulation of attractive career prospects for these researchers within the faculty.


Lisette de Jonge-Hoekstra (Psychology: Developmental Psychology)

Name: Lisette de Jonge-Hoekstra

Department: Developmental Psychology

Position (postdoc/assistant professor/associate professor): Assistant professor

Current research: I research how people, and children in specific, coordinate their multimodal communicative behaviors (e.g. speech, gestures, head movements) together with other people (/children) and materials in their environment when they learn something new.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? Sept. 2021

What you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups you participate in? [2-3 sentences] To contribute to science and education, Early Career Researchers (ECRs) have to take on many roles and activities, which is both a blessing and a burden. To enable ECRs from diverse backgrounds and situations to do this, I believe it is important to give them a voice and to organize initiatives which meet their needs. Therefore I participate in the working groups Visibility & Valorization (chair), Open Science, Diversity & Inclusion and Stress in academia.

Please provide links to


Project/personal website:


Nienke Jonker (Clinical Psycholoy and Experimental Psychopathology)

Jonker, dr. N.C.

dr. N.C. (Nienke) Jonker

Name: Nienke C. Jonker

Department: Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology

Position: Assistant Professor

Current research: My research aims to 1) improve understanding of mechanisms that are critically involved in the development and maintenance of dysfunctional eating behavior; and 2) use these insights to improve existing – and develop more effective – interventions to normalize eating behavior.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS?: September 2022

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and the working groups you participate in?: In my position as member of YESS-BSS I would like to stay informed about the tenure track and career perspectives of young researchers that are not in the tenure track. Through open dialogue with the faculty board about the perspectives I want to contribute to the perspectives of young researchers.

Mepa page:

Madeline Judge (Psychology: Environmental Psychology)

Name: Madeline Judge

Department: Environmental Psychology

Position: Assistant professor

Current research: My research interests focus on the intersection of social and environmental psychology, including whether social psychological theories can be applied to (and expanded by) considering how humans relate to nature, animals and artifacts, and the social psychological aspects of sustainability transitions

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? September 2021

What you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups you participate in? I would like to represent the interests of early career academics in the faculty, and to help them to navigate the difficulties of pursuing a career in academia and to achieve their goals. I joined the Open Science, Diversity and Inclusion, and Career Perspectives working groups.


Project/personal website:



Wim Meerholz ( Teaching Unit Psychology)

Meerholz, dr. E.W.

dr. E.W. Meerholz

Name: Wim Meerholz

Department: Teaching Unit Psychology

Position: Lecturer

Current research: In my work, I mainly focus on teaching. In the time I dedicate to research, I also try to involve students where possible. My research mainly focuses on emotions and goal pursuit.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS?: 2022-2023

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and the working groups you participate in?: As a staff member pursuing a teaching-focused career, I aim to contribute a teaching-focused perspective to the working groups I participate in (currently the Career Perspectives and Stress in Academia groups) and to help address the questions, concerns and ideas surrounding these topics.

Mepa page:

Antje Schmitt (Psychology: Organizational Psychology)

Name: Antje Schmitt

Department: Organizational Psychology

Position: Assistant Professor

Current research: I investigate how job demands and negative work events influence the behavior and well-being of employees and entrepreneurs. I also study the personality characteristics and self-regulatory strategies that individuals apply to cope with demanding aspects of their jobs.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? 01. September 2021

What you want to achieve with YESS BSS and which working groups you participate in? I am involved in the Stress in Academia working group and the group on Funding Opportunities and Team Science. Work stress and job insecurity are major challenges for early career researchers, and I aim to contribute to the development of ways to support early career researchers at our faculty in this regard. Moreover, securing research funding is particularly challenging for early career researchers who depend on funding to establish their careers. I want to help to develop options to improve the documentation and sharing of various funding opportunities and agencies.


Project/personal website:

Twitter: -

Other :

Anoek M. Sluiter-Oerlemans (Pedagogical and Educational Sciences)

Sluiter-Oerlemans, dr. A.M.

dr. A.M. (Anoek) Sluiter-Oerlemans

Name: Anoek M. Sluiter-Oerlemans

Department: Pedagogical and Educational Sciences

Position: Assistant Professor

Current research: I study social and behavioral development in an intergenerational context. In the coming years, I want to investigate if and how parental characteristics, experiences, and development (prior to parenthood) contribute to offspring development.

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS? September 2022

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and the working groups you participate in? I’ve joined YESS BSS because I wanted to meet different people at all levels of the university, gain new perspectives and create opportunities for collaboration, and have a voice in discussions on policy and strategy. As part of the career perspectives’ work group, I want to contribute to a more diverse and dynamic career system and a better work-life balance for young academic staff.  I also chair the visibility work group, working on keeping our website up to date and spreading information about policy decisions and YESS BSS activities to early career researchers.

Personal info, including:

Mepa page:

Nanxi Yan (Organizational Psychology)

Name: Nanxi Yan

Department: Organizational Psychology

Position: Lecturer

Current research: I study how off-job leisure experiences influence individuals' job experiences and well-being. I take both inductive and deductive approaches to my research question. 

When did you start as a member of YESS BSS?: Sept. 2022

What do you want to achieve with YESS BSS and the working groups you participate in?: I am enthusiastic about this opportunity to support and contribute to the early career researchers community in our faculty. The two groups I participate in: visibility, work and stress. 

Personal web:

Rug webpage

Last modified:20 April 2023 10.24 a.m.
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