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> 2024

van Doornik, Glashouwer, K. A., Ostafin, B. D., & de Jong, P. J. (in press). The effects of a meaning-centered intervention on meaning in life and eating disorder symptoms in undergraduate women with high weight and shape concerns: a randomized controlled trial. Behavior Therapy.

Mares, S. H. W., Roelofs, J., Zinzen, J., Béatse, M., Elgersma, H. J., Drost, R. M. W. A., Evers, S. M. M. A., & van Elburg, A. (2024). Clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and process evaluation of group schema therapy for eating disorders: study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychology, 12, 123

Masselman, I., Glashouwer, K. A., & de Jong, P. J. (in press). What you don’t know, can’t hurt you: The differential effect of masked versus non-masked counterconditioning and mere exposure to spider pictures on women’s affective evaluation of spiders. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology.

Masselman, I., Glashouwer, K. A., Span, M. M., & de Jong, P. J. (2024). The effectiveness of a masked counterconditioning approach using continuous flash suppression to alleviate body dissatisfaction in women with high body image concerns. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 83, 101938.

Schutzeichel, F., Waldorp, L. J., Aan Het Rot, M., Glashouwer, K. A., Frey, M. I., Wiers, R. W., & de Jong, P. J. (2024). Life meaning and feelings of ineffectiveness as transdiagnostic factors in eating disorder and comorbid internalizing symptomatology - A combined undirected and causal network approach. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 172, 104439. Advance online publication.

von Spreckelsen, P., Wessel, I., Glashouwer, K. A., & de Jong, P. J. (2024). Repeated exposure to body-related memories in women with high body-related self-disgust: Impact on disgust, avoidance, and acceptance. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 175, 104496.

> 2023

Ackermans, M., Jonker, N., & de Jong, P. (2023). Adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation skills are associated with food intake following a hunger-induced increase in negative emotions. Appetite, 193, 107148. Advance online publication.

Doornbos, E., Vos, R., & Glashouwer, K. A. (2023). Online behandeling voor jongeren met een eetstoornis via Een evaluatie van de effecten. GGzet Wetenschappelijk, 2, 9-20.

van Doornik, Glashouwer, K. A., Ostafin, B. D., & de Jong, P. J. (in press). The effects of a meaning-centered intervention on meaning in life and eating disorder symptoms in undergraduate women with high weight and shape concerns: a randomized controlled trial. Behavior Therapy.

van Doornik, S. F. W., Höing, F. E. J., Glashouwer, K. A., de Jong, P. J., & Ostafin, B. D. (2023). The relationship between eating disorder symptoms and meaning in life. The Humanistic Psychologist.

Masselman, I., de Jong, P. J. & Glashouwer, K. A. (2023). Subjective disgust and facial EMG responses towards unedited and morphed overweight self-pictures in women with varying levels of eating disorder symptomatology. European Eating Disorders Review, 31, 98-109.

Schutzeichel, F., Waldorp, L. J., Aan Het Rot, M., Glashouwer, K. A., Frey, M. I., Wiers, R. W., & de Jong, P. J. (2023). Life meaning and feelings of ineffectiveness as transdiagnostic factors in eating disorder and comorbid internalizing symptomatology - A combined undirected and causal network approach. Behaviour research and therapy, 172, 104439. Advance online publication.

Vos, R. H., & Glashouwer, K. A. (2023). Online preventie van eetstoornissen. Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 1, 32-38.

> 2022

Ackermans, M. A., Jonker, N. C., Bennik, E. C., & de Jong, P. J. (2022). Hunger increases negative and decreases positive emotions in women with a healthy weight.  Appetite,  168, 105746.

van den Berg, J. P., Elgersma, H. J., & Zeillemaker-Hoekstra, M. (2022). Anorexia nervosa: practical implications for the anaesthetist. British Journal of Anaesthesia.

van Doornik, S. W. F., Ostafin, B. D., Jonker, N. C., Glashouwer, K. A., & de Jong, P. J. (2022). Satisfaction with normative life domains and the course of anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders.

Jonker, N. C.,  Glashouwer, K. A., & de Jong, P. J. (2022). Punishment sensitivity and the persistence of anorexia nervosa: High punishment sensitivity is related to a less favorable course of anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders.

Masselman, I., de Jong, P.J. & Glashouwer, K. A. (2022).  What’s not to like? Enhancing women’s body satisfaction by means of an evaluative conditioning procedure with positive social feedback. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology.

Soleymani, A., Mazidi, M., Neimeijer, R., & de Jong, P. J. (2022). Eating disorder-specific rumination moderates the association between attentional bias to high-calorie foods and eating disorder symptoms: Evidence from a reliable free-viewing eye-tracking task.  Appetite,  171, 105934.

von Spreckelsen, P., Wessel, I., Glashouwer, K. A., & de Jong, P. J. (2022). Averting repulsion? Body-directed self-disgust and autobiographical memory Retrieval. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. 

> 2021

Glashouwer, K. A. & de Jong, P. J. (2021). The revolting body: Self-disgust as a key factor in anorexia nervosa. Current Opinion in Psychology, 41, 78-83.

Jonker, N. (2021) Mag eten je aandacht? De rol van aandacht voor voedsel in disfunctioneel eetgedrag. Gedragstherapie, 54, 165-178.

Jonker, N. C., Bennik, E. C., & de Jong, P. J. (2021). Why Dieters Succeed or Fail: The Relationship Between Reward and Punishment Sensitivity and Restrained Eating and Dieting Success.  Frontiers in psychology,  12, 636432.

van Doornik, S. W. F., Glashouwer, K. A., Ostafin, B. D., & de Jong, P. J. (2021). The causal influence of life meaning on weight and shape concerns in women at risk for developing an eating disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 , 593393.

van Doornik, S. W. F., Ostafin, B. D., Jonker, N. C., Glashouwer, K. A., & de Jong, P. J. (2021).  Low satisfaction with normative life domains in adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy,

von Spreckelsen, P., Jonker, N. C., Vugteveen, J., Wessel, I., Glashouwer, K. A., & de Jong, P. J. (2021). Individual differences in avoiding feelings of disgust: Development and construct validity of the disgust avoidance questionnaire. PLoS ONE 16(3), e0248219.

von Spreckelsen, P., Wessel, I., Glashouwer, K. A., & de Jong, P. J. (2021). Escaping from revulsion - disgust and escape in response to body-relevant autobiographical memories. Memory, Advance online publication. 

Vos, R. (2021). Aandachtbias voor voedsel bij adolescenten met anorexia nervosa.  GGzet Wetenschappelijk, 25 (2),  107 – 121.

> 2020

Elgersma, H. J. (2020).  Boekbespreking Handboek Eetstoornissen. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 62(9), 815 – 816.

Elgersma, H. J., & Jonker, N. C. (2020). Voedings- en eetstoornissen en
obesitas bij kinderen en jongeren. Kind en Adolescent, online first. DOI: 10.1007/s12453-020-00243-7

Glashouwer, K. A., Brockmeyer, T., Cardi, V., Jansen, A., Murray, S. B., Blechert, J., Levinson, C. A., Schmidt, U., Tchanturia, K., Wade, T. D., Svaldi, J., Giel, K. E., Favaro, A., Fernández-Aranda, F., Friederich, H.-C., Naumann, E., Treasure, J. L., Tuschen-Caffier, B., Vocks, S., & Werthmann, J. (2020). Time to make a change: A call for more experimental research on key mechanisms in anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review, 24(4), 361-367.

Glashouwer, K. A., & de Jong, P. J. (2020). Walging als de motor achter voedselrestrictie in anorexia nervosa. Tijdschrift voor Gedragstherapie, 3, 174-186.

Glashouwer, K. A., Timmerman, J., & de Jong, P. J. (2020). A personalized approach-avoidance modification intervention to reduce negative body image. A placebo-controlled pilot study. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 68, 101544.  

Jonker, N. C., Bennik, E. C., de Lang, T., & de Jong, P. J. (2020). Influence of hunger on attentional engagement with and disengagement from pictorial food cues in women with a healthy weight. Appetite, 151, 104686.

Jonker, N. C., Glashouwer, K. A., Hoekzema, A., Ostafin, B. D., & de Jong, P. J. (2020). Heightened self-reported punishment sensitivity, but no differential attention to cues signaling punishment or reward in anorexia nervosa. PLOS ONE, 15(3), e0229742.

Jonker, N. C., Glashouwer, K. A., Ostafin,. B. D., & de Jong, P. J. (2020) Visual attention to food cues and the course of anorexia nervosa. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 132, 103649.

Neimeijer, R. A. M., & Mulkens, S. (2020). Nederlandse vertaling van de Pica, ARFID and Rumination Disorder Interview (PARDI).


Bennik, E. C., Glashouwer, K. A., Neimeijer, R. A. M., Elgersma, H. J., & de Jong, P. J. (2019). Bekijk jezelf door een roze bril. Een online preventieve interventie gericht
op het versterken van psychische veerkracht in jongeren. Tijdschrift voor Gedragstherapie, 52, 146 - 165.

van Ginkel, L. & Adema, S. (2019). Baas over obesitas. Cognitieve gedragstherapie bij (lvb-) jongeren met obesitas. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum

Glashouwer, K. A., Masselman, I., & de Jong, P. J. (2019). Reducing body dissatisfaction by means of an evaluative conditioning procedure in undergraduate women: A replication study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 121, 103435.

Glashouwer, K. A., Meulman, C., & de Jong, P. J. (2019). Negative body image is not related to spontaneous body-scaled motoric behavior in undergraduate women.  Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 580.

Glashouwer, K. A., van der Veer, R. M. L., van Malderen, E., & Goossens, L. (2019). Nederlandse vertaling van de kind versie van de Eating Disorder Examination 17.0.

Glashouwer, K. A., van der Veer, R. M. L., Adipatria, F., de Jong, P. J., & Vocks, S. (2019). The role of body image disturbance in the onset, maintenance, and relapse of anorexia nervosa: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 74, 101771.

Jansen, A., Mulkens, S. M., & Elgersma, H. J.  (2019). Boulimia nervosa en verwante stoornissen; protocollaire behandelingen. In: C. Braet & S. Bögels (Reds). Protocollaire behandelingen voor klachten van kinderen en adolescenten met psychische klachten. Amsterdam: Boom.

Jonker, N. C., Heitmann, J., Ostafin, B. D., MacLeod, C., Glashouwer, K. A., & de Jong, P. J. (2019). A new approach to facilitating attentional disengagement from food cues in unsuccessful dieters: The bouncing image training task. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 120, 103445.

Jonker, N. C., Glashouwer, K. A., Ostafin, B. D., Hoekzema, A. & de Jong, P. J. (2019). Attentional engagement with and disengagement from food cues in Anorexia Nervosa. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 114, 15-23.

Jonker, N. C., van Malderen, E., Glashouwer, K. A., Vervoort, L., Braet, C., Goossens, L., & de Jong, P. J. (2019). No differential reward responsivity
and drive, punishment sensitivity or attention for cues signaling reward
or punishment in adolescents with obesity. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2363.

Neimeijer, R. A. M., Roefs, A., Glashouwer, K. A., Jonker, N. C., & de Jong, P. J. (2019). Reduced Automatic Approach Tendencies towards Task-Relevant and Task-Irrelevant Food Pictures in Anorexia Nervosa. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 65, 101496.

> 2018

Glashouwer, K. A., Bennik, E. C., de Jong, P. J., & Spruyt, A. (2018). Implicit measures of actual versus ideal body image: Relations with self-reported body dissatisfaction and dieting behaviors. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 42, 622–635.  

Glashouwer, K. A., Neimeijer, R. A. M., de Koning, M., Vestjens, M., & Martijn, C. (2018). Evaluative conditioning as a body image intervention for adolescents with eating disorders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86(12), 1046–1055.

Jonker, N. C., Bennik, E. C., & de Jong, P. J. (2018). Reinforcement sensitivity and restrained eating: the moderating role of executive control. Eating and Weight Disorders: Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 23(3), 321-329.

Neimeijer, R. A. M. (2018). Has food lost its attraction in anorexia nervosa? A cognitive approach [Groningen]: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

von Spreckelsen, P. (2018, April). The repulsive body image.

von Spreckelsen, P., Glashouwer, K. A., Bennik, E. C., Wessel, I., & de Jong, P. J. (2018). Negative body image: Relationships with heightened disgust propensity, disgust sensitivity, and self-directed disgust. PLOS ONE, 13(6), e0198532.

Vos, R., Glashouwer, K. A., & Ruwaard, J. J. (2018). E-health interventies. In G. Noordenbos & A. van Elburg (red.) Handboek eetstoornissen. Utrecht: de Tijdstroom. isbn: 9789058982506

> 2017

Matton, A., Jong, P. J., Goossens, L., Jonker, N. C., Van Malderen, E., Vervaet, M., De Schryver, N., & Braet, C. (2017). Sensitivity for cues predicting reward and punishment in young women with eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 25(6), 501-511.

Neimeijer, R.A.M., Roefs, A. de Jong, P.J., (2017). Heightened attentional capture by visual food stimuli in Anorexia Nervosa. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 126(6), 805-811.

Neimeijer, R.A.M., Roefs, A., Ostafin, B. D., & de Jong, P. J. (2017). Automatic approach tendencies toward high and low caloric food in restrained eaters: influence of task-relevance and mood. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 525.

> 2016

Jonker, N. C., Bennik, E. C., & de Jong, P. J. (2016). Reinforcement sensitivity and restrained eating: the moderating role of executive control. Eating and Weight Disorders: Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 23, 321–329.

Jonker, N. C., & de Jong, P. J. (2016). Theoretical relevance of attentional bias, and starting point for treatment: The case of body dissatisfaction. In Menzies, R. G., Kyrios, M., Kazantzis, N. (Ed.), Innovations and future directions in the behavioral and cognitive therapies (244-247). Brisbane: Australian Academic Press.

Jonker, N. C., Glashouwer, K. A., Ostafin, B. D., Van Hemel-Ruiter, M. E., Smink, F. R. E., Hoek, H. W., & De Jong, P. J. (2016). Attentional bias for reward and punishment in overweight and obesity: The TRAILS study. PLOS ONE, 11(7), e015757310.

Glashouwer, K. A. (2016, August). Too ‘fat’ to eat? A plea for experimental research on anorexia nervosa.

Glashouwer, K. A., Jonker, N. C., Thomassen, K., & de Jong, P. J. (2016). Take a look at the bright side: Effects of positive body exposure on selective visual attention in women with high body dissatisfaction. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 83, 19-25. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2016.05.006

Vervoort, L., Vandeweghe, L., Van den Akker, K., Jonker, N. C., Braet, C., & Kemps, E. (2016). Food: Treat or threat or treatment? Reward and punishment in eating behavior and interventions to change them. In Menzies, R. G., Kyrios, M., Kazantzis, N. (Ed.), Innovations and future directions in the behavioral and cognitive therapies (113-117). Brisbane: Australian Academic Press.

Vos, R. (2016). Online hulp voor jongeren met eetproblemen, Kind en Adolescent Praktijk.

Vos, R., Nauta, M.H. (2016). E-health bij kinderen met een angststoornis: gezamenlijk aan de slag!  Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie, 47, 47-62.

> Eerder

Elgersma, H.J. e.a. (2013). DURF! Exposure bij eetstoornissen. Trainingsboek voor jongeren. Interne publicatie, Accare, Smilde.

Elgersma, H.J. (2012). Een brug te ver. Boekbespreking De lijn kwijt. De Psycholoog, 47, 19.

Elgersma, H.J., & Glashouwer, K.A. (2012).  Boekbespreking Eten zonder Angst. Tijdschrift voor Gedragstherapie, 45, 339-342.

Elgersma, H.J. (2011). Tussen hulpvraag en hulpaanbod; wat staat er op de menukaart? Psychopraktijk, 3, 12-15.

Glashouwer, K.A., Bloot, C.M., Veenstra, E.M., Franken, I.H.A. & de Jong, P.J. (2014). Heightened sensitivity to punishment and reward in anorexia nervosa. Appetite, 75, 97-102.

Jansen, A., Elgersma, H.J., Mulkens, S.A. (2014). Protocollaire behandeling voor jongeren met boulimia nervosa en verwante eetstoornissen. In C. Braet & S. Bögels (red.) Protocollaire behandelingen voor kinderen met psychische klachten. Amsterdam: Boom.

Neimeijer, R.A.M., de Jong, P.J., & Roefs, A. (2015).  Automatic approach/avoidance tendencies towards food and the course of anorexia nervosa. Appetite, 91, 28-34

Neimeijer, R.A.M., de Jong, P.J., & Roefs, A. (2013). Temporal attention bias for visual food stimuli in retrained eaters. Appetite, 64, 5-11.

Veenstra, E.M. & de Jong, P.J. (2012). Attentional bias in restrictive eating disorders. Stronger attentional avoidance of high-fat food compared to healthy controls? Appetite, 58, 133-140.

Veenstra, E.M., & de Jong, P.J. (2011). Reduced automatic motivational orientation towards food in restricting anorexia nervosa. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120, 708-718.

Veenstra, E.M., & de Jong, P.J. (2010). Restrained eaters show enhanced approach tendencies towards food. Appetite, 55, 30-36.

Veenstra, E.M., de Jong, P.J., Roefs, A., & Koster, E. (2010). Attentional avoidance of high-fat food in unsuccessful dieters. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 41, 282-288.

Vos, R., Elgersma, H.J., & Nauta, M.H. (2014). voor jongeren: van online informatie over lijf en leven tot hulp bij eetproblemen. Psychopraktijk, 6(2) 35-37.

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