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The aim of Project BOP is to describe the psychosocial needs of foster children and what the impact is of their past, specifically a history of sexual abuse, on these needs. This knowledge will assist foster parents and foster care professionals in meeting the needs of foster children, thus providing children with the best developmental opportunities. The main research question of Project BOP is:

"What are the needs of foster children and what impact does prior sexual abuse have on these needs?”

This question will be answered from the perspectives of former foster youth, as we want to capture their individual needs.


  • Anne Steenbakkers
    Tel.: 050 363 6237
  • Hans Grietens

Project BOP started in January 2014 and is financed by Fonds Slachtofferhulp and the University of Groningen.

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.07 a.m.
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